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Blade2t3 said:

Did you like Pokemon Red? The only difference in Yellow was that it looked better, Pikachu followed you about and you could get all the starting Pokemon plus a few other things. So it was exactly the same as Red except better! So what if it was based on the cartoon. I liked the cartoon.

Yellow barely looked any different...Pikachu was annoying, especially considering you couldn\'t evolve it without trading it. Then there was the cringing addition of Officer Jenny, Jessie and James. The only thing in Yellow that was better than Red/Blue was the surfing Pikachu mini-game, which was near impossible to unlock anyway.
And yeah, I like the anime too. But it\'s a crappy spin-off, nothing more. It\'d be like Nintendo giving Mario the same voice in the games as he had in \'The Super Mario Bros Super Show\'. O.o
And being able to get all the starters felt like...a disturbance in the force.... XD

Just one thing, do you guys know wich Pok�mon do exactly the same cry on all the portable series? Smilie

I believe Mewtwo and Parasect have identical cries aswell. XD

( Edited 13.05.2008 11:02 by Ikana )

I didn\'t want t evolve pikchue anyway and I like seeing the characters from the cartoon, plus the pokemon sprites look far better, they looked weird in Blue/Red.

The cartoons have always followed the games, whats wrong with making it a little more simiilar.

At the end of the day Yellow > Blue/Red and you know itSmilie

( Edited 13.05.2008 15:45 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

You know what I want? I want the 8-bit cries in the anime. XD

To Ian, you missed a great game if you didn\'t play Rangers.

I dunno it seemed very beyblade (or whatever way you spell that shit anime about spinning tops with monsters coming out and fighting) and digimon. I might pick it up so if I can find it.

Agree about the anime season 1 and 2 are my favourites, the rest seems boring and shit.

BTW good friend you have there!

Pokemon yellow was made for the anime fans and I fucking loved it, best pokemon game bar silver. All the fucking negatives were the fucking bonuses for the game and we\'re brilliant.

( Edited 13.05.2008 21:39 by Ian The Great )

I loved Yellow. It was delishh. And I love Jenny being in it. That was awesome. Jessie & James didn't get a big enough part. Pikachu's Beach was the best mini-game EVER MADE. It pwns Excite Bike in 1,000,000 ways, and Raichu is more cool than Pikachu, but Pikachu following you was still insanely cool.

Vileplume and Aerodactyl also have the same cry.

James is the best character EVER. Except May. May is the best character EVER. EVER EVER EVER. She's so cool.

I've been watching Pok�mon again lately. The first series. The nostalgia actually hurts. It's incredible. Smilie

Yes, I plan to watch the entire thing, all 10+ series' I can't wait for Dawn to be in it, I hate the new voices but Dawn is cool >3

The worst thing about the voices is that James is destined to sound shit forever. WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!??!?!?. Smilie James had the best voice EVAR!

And Mewtwo was played by DAN GREEN. Holy shit! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

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SuperLink said:

James is the best character EVER. Except May. May is the best character EVER. EVER EVER EVER. She's so cool.

I've been watching Pokémon again lately. The first series. The nostalgia actually hurts. It's incredible. Smilie

Yes, I plan to watch the entire thing, all 10+ series' I can't wait for Dawn to be in it, I hate the new voices but Dawn is cool >3

The worst thing about the voices is that James is destined to sound shit forever. WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!??!?!?. Smilie James had the best voice EVAR!

And Mewtwo was played by DAN GREEN. Holy shit! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Bah. I like the anime, I just hate the games being influenced by it. Smilie It feels...backwards.

lol, James IS the best Pok�mon anime character. May is cool, but James will always be full of epic. With Harley close behind. Smilie
I hated it when they changed the voices too, but they quickly get better and start sounding like the old voices.
Am I the only one that thought the first few seasons were crap then? I really prefer seasons 6-8 (Advanced Generation episodes). Seasons 10-11 started off cool, but have gotten a bit lame recently, imo.


I saw a new episode of pokemon, Brock's new voice is terrible. Needless to say the episode ended with Pikachu doing a electric move and team rocket blasting away again. sigh
I wanna see the movies though, they look good. Also Jessie and James don't have Arbok and Weezing any more. What happened to them?

Aiiiii I dislike Harley. He/She (lol) is mean to May!

Original series' nostalgia driven then? They generally seem more serious. And slightly darker.

I like series 6-8 for the sole reason of May being in them. I really didn't see many episodes though. They stopped showing it on NORMAL TV after Master Quest started airing.

I saw the Master of Mirage Pok�mon. The animation and voice acting was fucking awful..

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SuperLink said:
I saw the Master of Mirage Pokémon. The animation and voice acting was fucking awful..

God yes. But that was one of the very first things that was dubbed by the new voice actors. (I believe the DVD release is re-dubbed to be better. Smilie ) Trust me, the voice actors get a lot better after a while. Unless I just got used to them... O.o

well there goes any chance of seeing pokemon Wood and Metal... and the games would actually be wood or metal...Smilie

Ikana said:
God yes. But that was one of the very first things that was dubbed by the new voice actors. (I believe the DVD release is re-dubbed to be better. Smilie ) Trust me, the voice actors get a lot better after a while. Unless I just got used to them... O.o

Weren't they different VAs entirely? And when you say DVD release you mean in the US right? So many thins to import. Smilie And not enough money...

I'll have to see a clip of one of the later episodes to see if you're right. Most episodes I only see because I watch Youtube Poop based on them. Smilie

And like I asked before, does anyone know if Destiny Deoxys actually came out in Britain?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Ikana said:
God yes. But that was one of the very first things that was dubbed by the new voice actors. (I believe the DVD release is re-dubbed to be better. Smilie ) Trust me, the voice actors get a lot better after a while. Unless I just got used to them... O.o

Weren't they different VAs entirely? And when you say DVD release you mean in the US right? So many thins to import. Smilie And not enough money...

I'll have to see a clip of one of the later episodes to see if you're right. Most episodes I only see because I watch Youtube Poop based on them. Smilie

And like I asked before, does anyone know if Destiny Deoxys actually came out in Britain?

I think they were the same voice actors that they are currently, but after the negative feedback for the Mirage Pokemon special, the new voice actors tried harder to sound like the old ones. Smilie And yeah, It'd be a US DVD. I didn't think it was that great though, regardless of the voices...
No clue when Destiny Deoxys comes out here...I imported it years ago. :p I'm waiting for Rise of Darkrai to come out in the US so I can import that...though I've already seen it, and it wasn't as good as the 8th or 9th movies imo...

SuperLink said:
And like I asked before, does anyone know if Destiny Deoxys actually came out in Britain?

I don't think so, I remember trying to look for this film. It was the only film I couldn't findSmilie

Wikipedia said it came out in October. Smilie

Get this, all the movies up to Manaphy are already out in Australia!! WHYYY!!!? Not even Deoxys is out in UK!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Probably not enough Pokefans in the UK.

But it frequently tops the charts!

I just watched an episode of Pok�mon Battle Dimension. At least the intro is better than the DP intro. That was terrible. >.<

The voices aren't bad. I hate James' voice though. it's the least like the original out of the whole cast. Smilie And sometimes the voices feel far too forced... I think the Jessie VA tries to hard to make her voice higher than it needs to be...

Also, why do Team Rocket always speak in rhyme? And WHY THE FUCK do the have a new motto!? Smilie

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L said:
I saw a new episode of pokemon, Brock's new voice is terrible. Needless to say the episode ended with Pikachu doing a electric move and team rocket blasting away again. sigh
I wanna see the movies though, they look good. Also Jessie and James don't have Arbok and Weezing any more. What happened to them?

J & J encountered sum bad d00ds steelin all teh snakE's and Coughin's. kobrA and Wheezer became their protectorz 4 life.

And does anyone remember that episode where every 5 minutes Ekans and Koffing were all, "Ekansss! Kofiiiing!" It was the one with "Whack-A-Diglett".

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Team Rocket's Pok�mon:

Lickitung - Gone
Arbok - Gone
Weezing - Gone
Victreebel - Gone
Cacnea - Gone
Meowth's old VA - Gone

*sniff* all their best Pok�mon are gone. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I know...the others I could handle, but getting rid of Cacnea?! Smilie It's just not right. And Chimecho. Though I guess James didn't technically get rid of it. But it's still gone. Smilie

I was more annoyed at getting rid of Victreebel and Lickitung... sure they were a bit more obscure, but they were so cool! Especially Victreebel. It obviously liked James a lot.

Also Arbok and Weezing's departure was very sad just for sentimental stuff. Smilie

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Cacnea - goneSmilie I thought he was James's replacement for Weezing. Btw Team Rocket's new motto sucks BIG time.

PK Mongoose said:

And does anyone remember that episode where every 5 minutes Ekans and Koffing were all, "Ekansss! Kofiiiing!" It was the one with "Whack-A-Diglett".

I think so, but what's more annoying about that episode is the rhyme the Diglett and Dugtrio make "diglett dig diglett dig, trio trio trio." The last time I watched that episode was in 1999, 9 years agoSmilie I can't believe pokemon is still big since then.

Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Trio Trio Trio!

That has been stuck in the minds of my family since we first watched it all those years ago. One of the few things from the original series I still remember freshly. Smilie

EDIT: And that wild kid who cried \"KANGAS KANGASKHAAAAN!!!\" Smilie

( Edited 13.05.2008 22:40 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Trio Trio Trio!

That has been stuck in the minds of my family since we first watched it all those years ago. One of the few things from the original series I still remember freshly. Smilie

It clearly has a demonic, hypnotic effect. It's been burned into my brain also, and I've only ever seen that episode once, YEARS ago. O.o Yet still...it haunts me...

SuperLink said:
And that wild kid who cried \"KANGAS KANGASKHAAAAN!!!\" Smilie

How the hell did you remember that, your giving me Pokemon nostalgia.

edit: Ikana, noooooooooooo!!!
I was about to change my sig to Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Trio Trio Trio!

( Edited 13.05.2008 22:55 by L )

I just watched the Mount Moon/Clefairy episode. I lol'd a lot of the way through. Seymour the scientist is so cool.

Except... he's a scientologist! OH SHI! WROOOOONG!!!

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