Tech Up! NZXT H7 Flow RGB and Vertical GPU Mount

By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson 09.09.2024

NZXT has been in the premium PC component game space for years and is highly regarded in the community for their stylish and modern design sensibilities. Cubed3 have been lucky enough to be sent samples of some of their newest and most interesting PC pieces to review!

The NZXT H7 Flow RGB is a killer case. This mid-tower offers a spacious and exemplary space to mount components, accepting all and any motherboard with support for EATX, ATX, Micro-ATX and Mini-ITX, on its back-plate.  There is ample space to hide and route cables as well, meaning setting up a clean PC build should be a breeze. Speaking of wires, the case has built in channels for most of the expected wires with the back of the case reserved for wire management. It also houses a small SSD cage alongside an HDD mount and finally a place to connect the PSU (power supply unit) space. These channels deploy little Velcro straps to keep the wires in place and out of sight. It's a really nifty and practical way to design a case.

Image for Tech Up! NZXT H7 Flow RGB and Vertical GPU Mount

The review model is a black version of the case, which is really neatly and uniformly coloured with a matte metal finish. NZXT also doesn't miss a chance to feature its branding in as many spots as possible: on the front, in the middle, on the pre-installed fans, etc… It looks stunning and unassuming from almost every angle and features a huge glass side so that the internals can light up and steal the show! In terms of panel design the entire case can be popped open by hand using the little indents around each part that is removable. This makes it easy to take panels off for cleaning or to get at the internals for further installations. In fact, almost the entire case is modular, allowing for the user to remove even bits that are for wire hiding if they are in the way.

Image for Tech Up! NZXT H7 Flow RGB and Vertical GPU Mount

The case offers a few base connective points near the power button, namely 2x USB A, USB C, audio and power. These are all to the newest and fastest standards and simply require a motherboard with the right inputs to power them and pass the data from the ports. Having these be on the top of the case in a front corner is excellent (unless there is an overzealous cat who steps on the button!). It's easy to get devices connected and providing the PC is running cool enough, devices can even stand on top of the case if the wires are too short.

Image for Tech Up! NZXT H7 Flow RGB and Vertical GPU Mount

This RGB version came with a pre-installed triple fan setup with some RGB lighting. The NZXT F360b RGB Core fan, this snazzy fan block has RGB strips all around the housing as well as light up fans! This can be paired either with an RGB compatible motherboard or with NZXT's own RGB controller unit, allowing for multiple F360s to be connected in unison. There is enough space for three of these in the case with one at the top, one at the front (pre-installed and one on the bottom. In other words the airflow spec is spectacular.

Being on the larger end of mid-tower cases, there is plenty of space to work within the case and it has crazy compatibility with things like AIO (all in one) coolers as well as a decent amount of expansion slots for users who either have the latest and largest GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) or lots of extra device cards for things like Wi-Fi.

Interestingly, this case can be paired with the NZXT GPU Vertical Mounting Kit. This kit is pretty cool and allows the user to mount their GPU facing the fans towards the window of the case for ultimate visual impact. The cost of this is that the GPU now takes up all of the expansion slots, so users who want multiple expansion cards will have to forgo this. It's a super easy mod to install and NZXT's build quality is fantastic; just screw it in, and plug the PCIe cable into the motherboard and "voilà!" a fancy sideways GPU. Very snazzy.

Image for Tech Up! NZXT H7 Flow RGB and Vertical GPU Mount

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10
This case is amazing, the size and utilities mean that there is really no reason to not have this on a wish list for either a new PC build or a PC refresh. Being highly customisable and easily accessible, the NZXT H7 Flow RGB comes highly recommended. The NZXT GPU Vertical Mounting Kit meanwhile is a neat add-on that allows for the ultimate GPU display.

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