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Awsum now ive got to get this game
My only problem with this game is that when you play people online you can't ask them to be your friend. Since Smash Bros is a game about playing with friends it only makes sense that you should be able to build a community out it. If I had the option to do this I would not need voice chat.
Despite this it's still my favorite multiplayer game of all time, and I have an Xbox 360 and a PC, so I'm not short on multiplayer options.
Well when it gets released in Europe hopefully C3 will build a competitive community, i'm certainly up for it.
If you ever want a game Hedgepig you can pm me :p
Fantastic review Jorge, looking forward to finally playing it when it comes out over here! I just can't be bothered importing when I have stuff to play already to be honest, I'll wait til the proper UK release.
This game pwns all!!!!!!
Motha fucka i'm playing all the fucking time!