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Just ordered a really awesome Sonic Nenodroid from the Sonicmerchandise website. For £37.99 (that did include the P&P). It looks like a mix of Modern and Classic Sonic.
Not sure why the pic is not showing up. But if you go to the site you can see it anyway.
(You can't image link an image in a slideshow, and the URL you used links to the webpage itself - Azuardo)
( Edited 27.04.2012 18:36 by Azuardo )
Marzy said:
I bought it a few days ago as well. Its definitely one of the best 3DS games out there. But I am having a little difficulty with the controls.
Didn't really buy this so to speak. Got it for starting to donate to the Open Rights Group
( Edited 29.04.2012 00:59 by Modplan Man )
Fiver. About time I got into the series I think.
Also two pairs of kickass trainers/boots for £57 that were originally £190 together.
Ho hum
Hi lately I've bought a lot of downloadable games because I FINALLY got my old Wii repaired and Virtual Console games again aaaa~
Saints Row The Third [360]
Super Smash Bros. [VC]
Last but not least
Summer Wars [BluRay]
Aand I also bought a bunch of DLC for stuf.
Sorry for such a long post :X
( Edited 29.04.2012 15:24 by SuperLink )
saunderscowie said:
Yeah Summer Wars is so so good! Fantastic on blu ray too.
Oh yeah.
Skullgirls [PSN]
q: do I buy too much
a: yes
SuperLink said:
Oh yeah.
Skullgirls [PSN]
a: yes
LKR000 said:
The hell did you get that mug from?!
Getting Diablo III for free wih the WoW Annual Pass
Bought a cart copy of Wario Land in very good condition (£20. I need it for my Gameboy Player primarily.
x4 for only £5 something! Some weird GAME.co.uk promotion!
From the makers of the Persona games. How could I say no?
It's £15 on Zavvi right now, and that's probably the lowest it'll go before stock is phased out and it becomes another Tales of the Abyss, so act now!
Phoenixus said:
From the makers of the Persona games. How could I say no?It's £15 on Zavvi right now, and that's probably the lowest it'll go before stock is phased out and it becomes another Tales of the Abyss, so act now!
I bought Summer Wars anime film on Bluray. Everyone, and I mean everyone has to see this movie. It was mind blowing. I was speechless at the end of it, and that's rare for me when I watch a film. The animation is awesome, the story never lets its hold on you go, and the characters are just as good. This needs to be in all your movie collections.
Thanks, Phoenixus!
Picked Catherine up moments after seeing your post. This will be the first time I've turned my XBox on this year
1980's Nintendo puzzle barrel & Super Famicom Jr
Bitfenix Alchemy Braided Cables (White) for PSU
1x 24 Pin
2x 6Pin PCIE
1x 8Pin EPS
Little under £30.
Where'd you get that for that cheap?