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Banned for posting on page 69!
Banned for post #1703
everyone hates 1703
( Edited 12.06.2009 12:44 by Captian )
I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out
Banned for being a koopa, everyone hates koopa's :-x
Banned as a result of my procrastination.
Banned as a result of Big Brother Being rubbish. (not your fault ofcourse).
Banned for auspiciously awesome alliteration.
Banned for having a red click able signature!!
I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out
Get out!
WTF Taofire? Your sig is being a bitch!
Banned since I agree that Tao's sig is being a female dog.
Banned for jacking with all the threads!
Banned for not playing Minon Everyday Hero.
Oh, and I ban the publisher of it too for not sticking it on Wiiware.
Banned because I think I can make your sig better. (How the hell does that work?)
Banned because its THE MOST OBVIOUS THING that he's such a virgin.
Banned for almost letting this thread enter the dreaded Zone 2, the zone that no one checks.
Keven said:
Banned for almost letting this thread enter the dreaded Zone 2, the zone that no one checks.
Banned because I have an auspiciously awesome animated avatar and alliteration.
Echoes221 said:
Banned because I check that zone and because your not the current top user
Stulaw said:
Banned because I have an auspiciously awesome animated avatar and alliteration.
Banned because I only have one exam left!
Banned for having the avatar from the most annoying puzzle game ever. Good but oh so annoying.
Banned for insulting Echoes' avatar.
Banned for backing me up. Hershel Layton can quiz anyone to death, he doesn't need back up he'll come back several years later and they will be standing there trying to figure it out. he takes no prisoners.
......Except Luke, He's just his bitch.