Go ahead and ban me cause I brawl. I can take it.
Phoenixus is banned for being jealous and wanting what the 'Rocks has got!
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
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Go ahead and ban me cause I brawl. I can take it.
Phoenixus is banned for being jealous and wanting what the 'Rocks has got!
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
BlueRocks is banned because he thought Turkeys could fly.
Fourth time.
Karnic is banned for not being original. Or more like Carnac the Magnificent. Johnny Carson. Now he was a late-night talk show host!
(Carnac holds the sealed envelope up to his turban)
CARNAC: Sis boom bah.
ED McMAHON: Sis boom bah.
(Carnac rips the envelope open and removes the card)
CARNAC (reading): Describe the sound made when a sheep explodes.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
BlueRocks is banned because nobody likes Johnny Carson
discarded foot is banned for being all eyes and nose.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
Blue is banned for being all eyes and nose.
PK Mongoose said:
Blue is banned for being all eyes and nose.
Youre fired... I mean BANNED!!
No Avatar said:
PK Mongoose said:
Blue is banned for being all eyes and nose.Youre fired... I mean BANNED!!
You are the weakest link, ummm, avatar.
( Edited 13.03.2008 13:07 by BlueRocks )Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
is that your final answer?...yes?...then you're banned!
Please come again...
ps. Somebody bring be back to ReLife, please.
( Edited 13.03.2008 15:22 by BlueRocks )Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
J-rock is banned for changing his avatar.
Smells is banned for being an Elite Guard. With that many holes in you I wouldn't have you guard anything let alone an 'elite'!
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
SuperLink is banned for being a judgemental retard.
ooops.... sooooo late.
BlueRocks said:
Smells is banned for being an Elite Guard. With that many holes in you I wouldn't have you guard anything let alone an 'elite'!
BlueRocks is banned for needing an apology from me.
IANC is banned for making his first ban a retarted one
discardedfoot is banned for no banning IANC for double posting.
Stulaw90 said:
discardedfoot is banned for no banning IANC for double posting.
Stulaw is banned for thinking nothing is immpossible.
Karnic is banned for having a PS3.
knighty said:
Karnic is banned for having a PS3.
Knighty is banned for having a 360.
Karnic said:knighty said:
Karnic is banned for having a PS3.Knighty is banned for having a 360.
Karnic is banned for eating all teh cheese!
No avatar is banned for mispelling "the"
discardedfoot is banned because I\'m getting No More Heroes today and I need to get in the mood for violence.
( Edited 14.03.2008 07:09 by Phoenixus )Phoenixus is banned because I have No More Heroes but haven't put it in the Wii yet cause I also got Brawl.
I need two of me.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
Blue is banned since umbrellas make Game and Watch happy!