*Throws a grenade at Keven*
3DS: 1246-8696-120 GT: LKR101
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*Throws a grenade at Keven*
Oh no you didn't....
*throws cat cats at Falcon*
*throws FALCON PAWNCH at Keven*
Yeah take that
Pfft. Throws 3 hordes and 5 tanks at Falcon...lets add a witch to the formula too!
*Throws shoe at Echoes*
*Both get run over by a truck*
*Throws chuck norris at PK..Pk Dies from over exposure to pure awesome*
*sv_cheats 1 and throws 30 witches at Echoes*
*Uses chuck norris as a weapon...One roundhouse kick is all it takes*
*throws the power generated from the big bang which is equivelent to one CNRHK (Chuck norris roundhouse kick)
throw landmaster at echoes
Throws smart bomb at mage
*Throws BARREL ROLL at Echoes*
How the f* does that work? Since the barrel roll dodged me?
*throws lack of thought at PK*
*Throws the fact that if I send a plane barrel rolling at Echoes, he'd get whacked into next Tuesday at Echoes*
throw baked beans at PK
*Throws Busch's Country Style Baked Beans at mage*
Throw Busch's Country Style Baked Beans in BBQ Sauce at PK
*throws in some smoked bacon for good measure*
throw 'restart computer in 30....29....28' at Keven
Throws Blue screen at Mage.
*Throws Red Ring at Echoes*
*throws Slinky at PK*
throw epcot at Keven
( Edited 01.03.2009 13:34 by Echoes221 )
*throws a sandwich at Echoes*
throw zero at FAX