Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Spoiler Discussion Thread

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were not talking about it being right or wrong for children to play the game were talking about them buying it there is alot worse games out there that children play. and for children pokemon IS the only thing nintendo do. what do you expect, children to play party games for the on there wii they should be able to experience brawls glory. hell if i had a child i'd buy it for them it not THAT bad. if nintendo were to reach estimates of 15 million then the brawl fanbase is not big enough (it would be safe to say that the fanbase would have to be doubled)

( Edited 17.02.2008 21:18 by iangennery )

Sorry iangennery, SL is right. SSBB is not for kids but it will draw kids Becauce alot of kids like Pokemon but nintendo is not trying to sell to them, thier selling to the fan base. If they were targeting for kids they would have spent more time making it for kids and less time trying to make the fan base crazy about the game.

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

Ultralordsmow said:
Sorry iangennery, SL is right. SSBB is not for kids but it will draw kids Becauce alot of kids like Pokemon but nintendo is not trying to sell to them, thier selling to the fan base. If they were targeting for kids they would have spent more time making it for kids and less time trying to make the fan base crazy about the game.

im not saying brawl is a kids game. there is something there for EVERYONE

Yeah. It will sell to kids, but kids will not make Brawl reach 15 million. Pok�mon is not the main aspect of the game, Nintendo is, as as far as games go, Mario, Link and Sonic are now more iconic than Pok�mon.

The fact of the matter is, as far as Nintendo are concerned, children will not be buying Brawl, at all. Age ratings make a huge difference. We all know children WILL get Brawl, but they will not all rush to buy a fighting game full of characters they don't know rather than buy Wii Play or Ben 10. Nintendo are not expecting children to buy the game, they are expecting the target audience to buy it, so they do not focus on any particular series. They focus on NINTENDO.

If it focused on Pok�mon, chances are the sales would actually drop, because it is likely to put off many gamers. You'd be surprised. There are possibly as many Pok�mon haters out there as there are Pok�mon fans.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

im not sayin kids alone will help brawl reach 15 (u keep twisting my words) im sayin they will make a good percentage of it ( and so will the fans but they won't reach it on their own) it showed more pokemon in that trailer than anyone else so their is an audience there nintendo are just trying to cover their bases thats all im saying

A change of subject.... more glithes!!!

Kirby's infinite jump
Using the side-B jump before hitting the ground, Kirby can get all of his jumps back. From the video below it looks like it can only be done over ground. Do take note that the nature of Kirby's side-B seems to limit its effectiveness.

Ice Climbers infinite chain grabs
Looking at the Ice Climbers they are able to do a series of chain grabbing. Although they were thought to be one of the worst characters in the game, this technique could prove everyone wrong.

Snake's bomb recovery
Watch as Snake recover his health dramatically. This means one thing: he can be a tough character to deal with.

Falco's infinite laser
Falco's attack can be a real pain since it can carry you across the stage. If there's a wall, this attack can practically last until forever.

Proof of Lucario having changes in attack properties after damage
Here's video that shows how Lucario becomes stronger as he takes in more damage. This certainly makes him an odd character.

Peach's turnip dash
Peach can throw her turnips, bob-ombs, and other projectiles out of her roll. So far, it seems that she's that only one who can do this.

Dont really get em all but I'll see what you all think.

( Edited 17.02.2008 22:33 by Ultralordsmow )

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

Don't twist your own words. Smilie You said:

kids are going to make up half market for brawl

Pok�mon are shown in the ad alongside other Nintendo characters, because it's a Nintendo game. The fans won't reach it on their own, but there aren't just 2 categories, fans and kids. Kids are not interested in a fighting game made up of characters they don't know. Smash Bros appeals to fans, average Wii users and hardcore gamers. If anything, kids will be a smaller percentage than you may think.

When I say kids, I mean 3-10. Children in those ages will not be ecstatic about Brawl or have their parents buy the game for them. And if parents buy a game for their child that is above the child's age, then that's up to them.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hehe, I got my Brawl pre-ordered at Best Buy baby!!

Woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell yes!!!!!!!! 19 days man!!!

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

iangennery - Listen to SL. You're making little sense. Smilie

Since when was 15 million not enough sales for a game?


Didn't notice that post of techniques before. I'll have to check out the videos when I get home (can't use YouTube at college)

But as far as I've heard, Ice Climbers' chain grabbing is worse in Brawl, since they were the chain grabbing masters in Melee.

There is a video of Fox's Infinite Wallshine somewhere, so I'll find that too after college.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The green hill zone is awsome!!!!!! And sonic doen't look to hard to unlock.... look at the spoile below for all unlockables...
or be a loser and don't read it Smilie

( Edited 18.02.2008 14:38 by The Wandering Sword )

Going back up to my Tec post...

Falco's lasar is cheap... If he can do that to every character not just boswer I will be mad.Smilie

Kirby's jump is cheap too, but he could basiclly came back from anything anyway.Smilie

I dont think snakes recovery will help him much. I mean If he has alot of damage and is flying off the map chanches are that exploision would kill him anyway.Smilie

Lucario is going to be a tough nut to crack!:8)

Peaches throw is a nice plus for her...Smilie

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

i found a video of the Japanese Brawl start up theme thingamabob... yea here it is (if it works...)

ok it has an extra box that i can't get rid of but it looks like it works....sorry you guys..

( Edited 18.02.2008 17:40 by SuperLink )

That was posted weeks ago on this thread.Smilie Sorry about spoiling your thunder there but...ya.

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

Ultralordsmow said:
That was posted weeks ago on this thread.Smilie Sorry about spoiling your thunder there but...ya.
aww crap... oh well i liked the video... i'll look for more...

dude here's the wolf epic finish video, but with funny voice over from starfox 64! watch!


Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

Awesome vid! Smilie That match is rapidly increasing in popularity. I wish I was the original Wolf player who lost. Smilie he must be pretty happy for a loser!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Awesome vid! Smilie That match is rapidly increasing in popularity. I wish I was the original Wolf player who lost. Smilie he must be pretty happy for a loser!
its a nice vid...

Good old VG Cats.

68 and 86 are my faves.Smilie

is #74 supposed to be Giratina?

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

All the names are fortunately below it Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

ONM have just put some brand new screens on their site. The screens included some of the secret characters and stages, they're clear quality too.

Shadow Assist Trophy revealed as well.

New Brawl Screens

Enjoy! Smilie

( Edited 18.02.2008 20:13 by Marzy )

Heh, I've known about the Shadow Assist Trophy for a while. Smilie

Definitely the WORST Assist Trophy in the game, especially when there are no other Sonic Assist Trophies. That's right, no Tails. The only Sonic AT is.... SHADOW. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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