Same here, I recall recently I wanted to post a new purchase on the Latest Purchases thread but I was the last poster.. so all I could do was wait til someone else posted! Agonising.
C3 needs more activity!!
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
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Same here, I recall recently I wanted to post a new purchase on the Latest Purchases thread but I was the last poster.. so all I could do was wait til someone else posted! Agonising.
C3 needs more activity!!
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
SuperLink said:
Same here, I recall recently I wanted to post a new purchase on the Latest Purchases thread but I was the last poster..so all I could do was wait til someone else posted! Agonising.
C3 needs more activity!!
Ah yes ye olde bumpe methode.
Shamefully I totally forgot about that, I used to do it all the time.
Or maybe I've become too lazy lately, oftentimes C3 is a getaway from the evil clutches of dissertation-writing so I often feel lazy and procrastinatey when I post here.
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
Multi-posting is fine in most circumstances. In threads like forum games, game deals, latest purchases, updating an older thread... there's no problem. It's if you abuse it or if you post again right after another instead of editing that is frowned upon.
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
Azuardo said:
Multi-posting is fine in most circumstances. In threads like forum games, game deals, latest purchases, updating an older thread... there's no problem. It's if you abuse it or if you post again right after another instead of editing that is frowned upon.
I know, it's more of an issue with my OCD kicking in again.
This might be some kind of new record for 10 posts in quick succession in a single topic on Cubed3, hah.
Let's celebrate this with another true comic...
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
^basically myself, currently.
And yeah once my procrastination and work come to an end for this semester I'll try to make more threads and get more engaging chat going on in the forums, C3 has the members to be active, it just needs to get 'em talking!
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
Don't lose your head Hitler-chan ヽ(;´Д`)ノ
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
SuperLink said:Phoenom said:
Exactly. I've just over a hundred posts left to make in 4 months, a thread I can keep writing in that doesn't affect that counter will be ideal.
Ah, gotcha.
I look forward to your trapped musings finally finding a home on this thread.
And thus they begin!
Focusing on your sourroundings rather than individual people helps with Social Anxiety. Who'd thought it?
( Edited 13.07.2017 18:52 by Guest )
Saw this earlier. It made me happy.
My hair is on fire.
God I love this.
Have you ever went fast?
Man I'm jealous I love skiing though it's been so long since I last got to go do anything of the sort.
Guess I'll break the 5000 post barrier sooner than I thought. Shame, wanted to save it until next month. :/
Phoenom said:
Guess I'll break the 5000 post barrier sooner than I thought.Shame, wanted to save it until next month. :/
Next next month.
Phoenom said:
Next next month.![]()
In a similar vein but not a joke no. I'll let you in on it soon.
TIL that Shane isn't a C3 master.