The ultimate battle: Student vs Homework!! Who will win?
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The ultimate battle: Student vs Homework!! Who will win?
It's over 9000 (in cuteness)
Echoes221 said:Simon_ said:
So...I got really drunk last night.
Woke up this morning with 3 of my front teeth snapped clean in half.
That sounds awesome, annoying, and slightly life destroying. How did you manage that?And WB btw, where have you been!
Apparently my friend tried to piggyback me, and I ended up falling face first over the top of him, since he leaned forward for reasons unknown...
I blame him entirely. Fuck him.
L said:
You all hear about Hyperdimension Neptunia?
I'm not a fan of boxing but this... cracked me up XD.
Lol ^^^
I did not hit her, it's not true. It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did naahht!!!"... Oh hai Stulaw.
I got the results back...
Anyway, hows your sex life?
You betrayed me Lrrr.. You not gud.. You just a chicken, CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEEEP!
Use headphones and close your eyes.
Finally, I has a smart-phone.
New Montage Like/Favourite! Please play in HD!
Lol Squall beating up Cloud with a STICK! Sanity not included is awesome.
Oh hai Lrrr
I can not tell if this is serious or not.
And its now on iTunes...
( Edited 15.03.2011 17:53 by Lrrr )
The reason carmine dies in Gears of War!
May contain spoilers if you aren't at endgame in Pokémon Black/White. Anyways, I'll just leave this here with...
"Oh noez, it survived my first attack. What a beast! Imma use my Masterball right away before I get my ass handed to me by a non legendary Pokémon!!"
This is apparently Jack from IGN who's playing in that video who claims to be a total Pokémon nut..yeah, right. Even my little sister would know better than that.