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You can't make "The One" bleed.
MC Hammered did you even read the rules?
& I think I remember the longest thread in C3 history (that I can remember...) was either one of the Photo threads, or the "Say something about the member above you" thread.
Well that makes sense...
Ha ha!!! I am winning!
Ya rly!
15 minutes is nothing.
I win more because i'm awake at 2:30 in the morning...
Na! I win 'cause I'm a shit!
"The Coke side of life!"
Best not to feel anything at all.
( Edited on 11.11.2007 15:08 by Darkspine S )
Yeah don't try to feel just do it
Spells "POOP" in English ...BTW I'm winning
EDIT: It's your choice to decide if it's real or fake
Ignorance is bliss, my friend.
You sick &*^%(%$.....
EDIT: at Udkedae
( Edited on 11.11.2007 18:47 by ZeroSimon )
Just wait till I find the pic. It's the best thing in the world! Once I can find it again...must find!!
Okay i'll wait...but in the meantime i'll also win.
Best find a new activity...
( Edited on 11.11.2007 19:58 by Darkspine S )
I can win while watching top gear.
ZeroSimon said:
You sick &*^%(%$.....EDIT: at Udkedae( Edited on 11.11.2007 18:47 by ZeroSimon )
Let me see...I'll drop down the level
I should win cause I'm not gunne be here (maybe) for at least 2 days!
I've been here all the week. I just didn't post
I witnessed this thread's creation.
I win.