Official Pokemon Trading Thread

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Urge... to use... trading thread... rising... blarg.

Yeah, not looking for a pokemon, just a TM. TM80 Rockslide, we can talk out what I'll trade via pm, don't hesitate to toss one at me.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

I really want a legiment celebii, I will trade a legit mew lv 100 for one.

( Edited on 04.01.2008 21:37 by crystal4541 )

Remember, my words are backed by nuclear weapons

hey wazz up ill give u a lv 100 kingdra for ur shiny charizard or sum thin else u want

looking to evolve my electebuzz to electivire by trading.
PM if u r interested in evoling any pokemon by trade or looking for a specific pokemon.


Okay, I've been trying to breed a shiny Charmander for months now. I'm not kidding, I must have hatched at least 1,200 Charmanders by now. I'm desperate. I would like a shiny Charmander, untouched and legit please, with any nature, serious is prefered, with the nickname Xenocide. Here's what I can offer in return, and if I don't have something on the list here, pm me with a request and I'll see what I can do.

Shiny Graveler (lvl 45, legit, Serious nature)
Shiny Palkia (JP with JP nickname, lvl 54, not sure if it's legit, Naughty nature)
Groudon (lvl 45, Sassy nature)
Regirock (lvl 40, Brave)
Regice (lvl 40, Naive)
Registeel (lvl 40, Rash)
Spiritomb (I'll hatch from an egg, lvl 1, nature varied)
Celebi (lvl 70, legit, Quiet)
Jirachi (lvl 5, legit, Naughty)


( Edited 02.03.2008 20:55 by anthropes )

Pokemon Friend Code: 4381 8518 2774
Game Name: Ender

This thread is dying out. Anyway, if anyone has a legit Celebi, pm me. I have a Mew lv 100 and a shiny Crobat. I also have a ton of other of 100s and legendarys. Everything is legit.

Remember, my words are backed by nuclear weapons

I'm looking for the item Soul Dew for my latios, if you got one PM me. ive got a shiny Marill and a shiny azumarill.(i dont know either) but that and ive got my hands on an extra Raikou. and i got other stuff, just give me a heads up.

EDIT: and for those trieng to get a shiny charmander/charizard. GOOD LUCK, it took FOREVER to get me a shiny Charmander. But man my black charizard looks sweet.

( Edited 04.02.2008 17:45 by Fatman )

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Hmmm i have over 70 shinies . I am looking for shiny Electrode and shiny Sableye pm me

Just as a heads up, I finally got my shiny Charmander. It took me five months of breeding, but I finally got it. And now, my DS broke on me, so I'm waiting for it to get back from Nintendo... lol

Pokemon Friend Code: 4381 8518 2774
Game Name: Ender


A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

I am pretty close to completing my national dex so here is what I need. I do not need you to give me these pokemon, I just want you to trade them to me and then I trade them back. I am offering really rare pokemon if you can get me any of these pokemon.
Pokemon that I haven't seen in my pokedex:
002 Ivysoar
003 Venusaur
088 Grimer
089 Muk
107 Hitmonchan
120 Staryu
125 Electabuzz
126 Magmar
139 Omastar
152 Chikorita
153 Bayleef
154 Meganium
207 Gligar
211 Quillfish
221 Poloswine
230 Kingdra
233 Porygon 2
237 Hitmontop
240 Magby
243 Raikou
244 Entei
247 Pupitar
248 Tyranitar
250 Ho-oh
251 Cellebi
252 Treeko
253 Grovyle
254 Sceptile
255 Torchick
256 Combusken
272 Ludicolo
274 Nuzleaf
282 Gardevoir
284 Marshquerdin
285 Shroomish
289 Slacking
304 Aron
305 Lairon
306 Aggron
321 Wailord
337 Lunatone
346 Cradily
348 Amaldo
360 Wynaunt
362 Glalie
365 Walrein
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
369 Relicanth
375 Metang
380 Latias
385 Jirachi
463 Lickilicky
465 Tangroth
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
468 Togekiss
469 Yanmega
472 Glisocor
473 Mamoswine
474 Porygon-z
475 Gallade
477 Dusknor
478 Frosslass
489 Pione
490 Manaphy
491 Darkrai
492 Shamin
493 Arceus
Here are the pokemon that I have seen but do not have. (They may be easier to find)
036 Clefable
065 Alakazam
068 Machamp
076 Golem
080 Slowbro
117 Seadra
121 Starmie
127 Pinsir
128 Tauros
171 Lanturn
200 Misdreavus
210 Granbull
214 Heracross
218 Slugma
223 Remoraid
226 Mantine
236 Tyrogue
264 Linoone
268 Cascoon
281 Kirlia
288 Vigoroth
294 Loudred
301 Delcatty
319 Sharpedo
332 Cacturne
333 Swablu
342 Crawdaunt
344 Claydol
353 Shuppet
355 Duskull
356 Dusclops
364 Sealeo
371 Bagon
372 Shelgon
388 Grovile
391 Monferno
392 Infernape
409 Rampardos
410 Shieldon
411 Bastidon
413 Wormadan
414 Mothim
421 Cherrim
428 Loppunny
429 Mismaguis
431 Glameow
432 Purgly
437 Bronzong
444 Gabite
445 Garchomp
446 Muchlax
448 Lucario
449 Hippopotas
451 Skorupi
453 Crogogunk
460 Abomasnow

Remember, my words are backed by nuclear weapons

i have a arceus level 95


trading darkrai and shaymin for any arceus mew jirachi or cereby... pm me if u have any of those with your friend code


( Edited 21.03.2008 15:38 by Darkrai )

Im offering Shiny Arceus(Ginji's Legit) for shiny Abra natures :Mild , Modest , me if u got one.

PS : after trade im gonna clone abra and u gonna keep abra and arceus too

I have a level 26 Celebi that has a modest nature.

does any one want a level 70 or up giratina with a shell bell, revive , max potion, or any tm or hm . for regigigas,hoho ,lugia, mew or mewtwo, tyranatair, or any of the legendary birds or dogs. pm me your answer. if you dont get what im saying i have a giratina.

ironman4541 i have a level 60 akalazam, crogunka and some others pm me if u want them.a also have a level 7 torchchick if u want it.

( Edited 17.05.2008 12:39 by SuperLink )

Willing to trade Dialga or Uxie for a lvl 50 or higher slowking. PM if interested.

I would like to data trade a mew. I haven\'t done data trades before. I am not sure what i could offer in return, but could you help/suggest to me how to get my mew!Smilie

hy i\'m looking for a arceus for keeps i can trade you a dialga or a relicanth or a absol Smilie

( Edited 17.05.2008 12:39 by SuperLink )

I am not a mod but you should use the PM system. Don't double post either.Smilie

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

im looking for a shiny charizard any level and also a arceus any level

Im looking for a legit PIPLUP ( my TURTWIG isnt as cool and I already have a shiny BUIZEL that i don\'t want to give up ) I will give a female HIPPOPOTAS, male COMBEE, Male RHYPERIOR, and I know those guys im offering arent too great, but a legit PIPLUP would be really awesome.


P.S. this is totally optional, but if you have a PIPLUP that isn\'t hatched that would be sweet.

If you hack a pokemon in PBR it just appears as a bad egg

( Edited 17.05.2008 12:40 by SuperLink )

Go Typhlosion!

hey wat wud u trade 4 ur shiny lugia i have theseSmilienone r shiny)

6 jolteons
3 of each auxie, azelf, meprit
3 espeons
3 leafeons
lv 95 ditto
4 spiritombs
3 rotoms
4 glaceons
2 rhyperiors
2 kyogres
3 phiones
1 manaphy
lv 100 charizard
2 trianitars
2 giratinias
2 rayquazas
2 scizors

thanx 4 teading..

you know this game kinda old but people still buying it! I got mine jan.2 2008. My friend he doesn\'t play it no more so he gave me his arceus!!! unbeliveable! now I don\'t play it untill I have the gameboy game, action replay or pokemon battle revolution.

EDIT: does anyone have darkri I am willing to trade!

( Edited 24.05.2008 22:44 by SuperLink )

Please don't double post, edit your posts into a single post using the "Edit" button.

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Does anybody have a Giratina,Azelf, or Heatran

If you want to trade in Diamond,Pearl,and Platinum I will trade to get a Munchlax, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil. If you do pm me. Also if you have Metroid prime Trilogy we can trade friend vouchers.

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