if anybody has any only lv100 pokemon i am interested so please feel free to Pm me at any time
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if anybody has any only lv100 pokemon i am interested so please feel free to Pm me at any time
who the hell has a chikorita, zangoose, weedle, or tangela up in this biatch. PM me if u wanna trade them
( Edited on 01.08.2007 03:49 by coryiscool )
( Edited on 01.08.2007 03:49 by coryiscool )
ok, i have shinies, currently they are:
shiny empoleon
shiny infernape
shiny torterra
shiny rhyperior
shiny staraptor
shiny bronzong
shiny gardevoir
shiny nidoqueen
shiny lucario(very few)
shiny magmortar
shiny electrivire
shiny bastiodon
shiny rampardos
shiny miltank
shiny stantler
shiny milotic
shiny relicanth
shiny persian
shiny combusken
shiny marshtomp
shiny claydol
shiny pupitar
shiny umbreon
shiny nidorina
shiny magikarp
shiny charizard
shiny mighytyena
shiny masquirain
shiny ninjask
shiny beautifly
shiny dustox
shiny smeargle
shiny kecleon
shiny kingdra
shiny sableye
shiny shiftry
shiny ludicolo
shiny ditto
shiny dialga
shiny darkrai
shiny deoxys
shiny moltres
shiny giratina
shiny arceus
shiny regi's
shiny regigigas
shiny shaymin
shiny manaphy
ok, non shinies i have:
lugia(lv 1, hatched from egg)
arceusThis is a smilie
pikachu with fly, surf, and volt tackle
and i have a special on Elite 4 pokemon!!! like Cynthia's Lucario and Garchomp, or Flint's Infernape!
simply the only pokemon i want are pokemon over lv 70, but NOT lv 100, just know i already have alot of high lv pokemon, so i might not want every single pokemon you have over lv 70, but you never know, i might be generous!!!
but please, dont even pm me if you dont have a pokemon over lv 70(no whinning or begging)
I need a shiny Dialga! Could someone trade me one
PM ME if u have.... a Zangoose, CHikorita, Weedle, Tangela Politoed, Slowking, Magmortar, Raikou, or Arceus. We dont even have to trade keepsees we can trade back. Im just trying to fill my dex.
when cards were all in fashion and the "shining" ones came out i got my own shining charizard it was white/hint of light purple and i was wondering is the shiny the same colour?
i have about 15x bulbasaur 15x charmander 15x squirtle all real not used cheats fresh from their eggs but they are not on daimond yet but when i migrate ill give people some for free because people on here have been helping me a lot. if anyone has a manaphy i can have please pm me.
origami i need to talk to you btw.
Sapphire box 1
1.Muk lvl41
everyone how lucky is this!? yesterday i found out about how you get shinys and i said to my friend: my favorite new one so far is buizel and i would love a shiny buizel and he said oh i dont have one, shinys are very rare and i said can anyone get them at any point in game? and he said yeah so i said i will go in the grass untill i get a shiny then and he said well good luck you're gonna be there ages and i went into the grass and the second i hit the grass a shiny buizel appeared!
( Edited on 01.08.2007 14:32 by wasaaap )
wasaap will u trade for ur lvl 100 gyrados?:cooldude:
anyone got arceus.i will trade for it.pm me
please i know your all probably bored of hearing this but i neeeed yes NEEED a manaphy please i really really want 1 please
Yo Yo Yo... I need (not even for keepsees we can trade back) A tangela, Kingdra, Slowking, Politoed, Weedle, Zangoose, Raikou or Shaymin... PM me to trade
Yo Yo Yo... I need (not even for keepsees we can trade back) A tangela, Kingdra, Slowking, Politoed, Weedle, Zangoose, Raikou or Shaymin... PM me to trade
how come on daimond the third gym has wierd things all over? and a church in 1 of the towns has wierd stuff down each side? is my game glitched or is that normal?
have all 4th gen legends...most are shiny and i have some non shiny let me know if you want any
you mean freeE??!!?! can i have dalga in shiny please?!?!!??!
no not for free i am looking for lvl 100 pokemon
if a pokemon is "untouched" does it get normal exp when traded and obey orders as if you caught it?
Again, please reply to all comments via PM
And keep all non-trading discussion to the discussion thread!
sorry but may i ask where you get lucario from?
wasaaap said:Clicky
sorry but may i ask where you get lucario from?
This kinda stuff goes in that thread, 'k? Thanks.
sorry its just i cannot find threads.... i find this on my recently visited sites... please could you pm me a guide on how to find them easily? just so its trade related i do still want a manaphy and i will trade my lvl35 monferno for one
wasaaap said:Use the search tool at the top of each C3 page, or just look around on the WiFi boards. The Pok
sorry its just i cannot find threads.... i find this on my recently visited sites... please could you pm me a guide on how to find them easily? just so its trade related i do still want a manaphy and i will trade my lvl35 monferno for one