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Yes, which is why I created a lenghty thread in the DS section LS
Good game, Z simon got it and i will too when i get a chance.
It does look pretty darn cool. The lack of online multiplayer really is a big bummer though.
yay i've completed the first campaign now! of 3
and there was a topic on this by linkyshinks yesterday.
Close up the game doesn't look as great - still good...but so many things on the screen at once is pretty amazing for the DS.
And sometimes the framerate is a bit jerky.
The controls feel a bit slow at first (i'm used to MPH) but after a while i got used to it.
I'd say its an 8/10 game?
Watch more here TCM, it's an amzing technical feat by my reckoning. LS
I particularly like all the neat dirt effects, and the destructible buildings.
not much scenery is destructible....in fact just a few walls and petrol barrels
ZeroSimon said:
not much scenery is destructible....in fact just a few walls and petrol barrels
Well in the video they make it look like you can blow up everything. A guess not surprising, as they are trying to make it look really cool.
( Edited on 09.06.2007 23:26 by Jacob4000 )
oh yeah seen the video now - if you're in a tank you can blow quite a few stuff up.....but you're not in a tank much.