oooo cool a few years ago i wouldnt get very excited about EA news but it seems in the last year they have outdone themselves with some quality games!
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oooo cool a few years ago i wouldnt get very excited about EA news but it seems in the last year they have outdone themselves with some quality games!
Thank goodness these titles don't have a year suffix - can't wait to see what they can offer, the Wii is definitely a platform with potential for fresh IPs.
Yeah it is but it seems Developers are still scared to take that chance!?!?
Harry Potter Duel edition? (I'd faint if this ever happened)
EA is doing such a good job on the Wii. Blur and Godfather were freaking awesome!
I find it so funny how EA and Ubisoft are like mirrors.
EA = Sucks on PS3/360 but is amazing on Wii.
Ubisoft = Sucks on Wii but amazing at PS3/360.
In all honesty, EA doesn't suck on the PS3/360 Sidepocket. NBA Live, Fifa 07, Godfather: they're all decent games. (The first being rather fantastic)
And NFS Carbon is good too on the 360.
EA Playground. You go round a playground, play games (RC Car Racing, Dodgeball, the Swingnball variant with just using hands, etc) and collecting stikers, you can also do "dares". 4 player. Uses thr Wii Remote only, apparantly.
So, thats one of them.