Nintendo News | Rare Set to Bring Kameo or Viva Pi

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jesusraz said:
And we all know Rare previously stated they had a version of Perfect Dark up and running on the portable.

Holy shit! The original Perfect Dark is one of the best FPS' I've ever played! That'd be awsome if they could really do it justice on the DS, and not make it shit.

Only Rare game i've played is Donkey Kong I ain't a huge fan of any of their IPs but more games on DS is good, the recent cock up with Diddy Kong racing is worrying though.

knighty said:
No. Rare lost most of its good developers to Free Radical. This was long before the transfer.
Remember Grumbler's Rare topic? Hardly anyone decent went to Free Radical in reality ^^;;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

RARE were only good with the support of Nintey... without Nintendo RARE is nothing!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Oni-Ninja said:
Holy shit! The original Perfect Dark is one of the best FPS Ive ever played!

Assuming you're not ripping the piss Oni, I half agree. Roughly 1/4 of Perfect Dark was.. well, perfect. The second level was incredibly good, but all that Skedar planet and barren outdoors shit dampened the greatness. It'd be very interesting to see a DS incarnation.

Having Rare developing for DS can only be a great great thing. Even their worst output is infinitely playable, and it would be fantastic to see them put some real effort into the handheld (as opposed to the half-beans they gave DKR DS).

I would give a kidney for an new DS Banjo title...

Less posty, more gamey.

artmonkey said:
Having Rare developing for DS can only be a great great thing. Even their worst output is infinitely playable, and it would be fantastic to see them put some real effort into the handheld (as opposed to the half-beans they gave DKR DS).

I think the problem Rare has, is that they have a high-expectation level from gamers who remember the SNES / N64 games - which were all great.

So any game that they announce on DS is almost "over scrutinized" - I'm not excusing them, far from it. I think that Viva Pinata and Kameo will be great additions. I wish they were coming to the Wii - especially Pinata as the Wii is seems a perfect match for this game .. but I'm happy that they're coming to a Ninty machine. Smilie

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't ..

Despite my dislike of Microsoft, they are not stupid. Sales on the DS mean profit and that is why Microsoft are in business. A conspiracy theory could also apply, that they want to stay pleasant with Nintendo as they still yearn to buy them out.

As for the games, I also believe that Viva Pinata will likely be the first purchase when I finally get a 360 (no hurry). A version on the DS would appeal to me and my children ( wouldn't it be funny if they worked a wireless connection of the DS to the 360 for these types of games - funny, but not going to happen). I am indifferent to Kameo.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

artmonkey said:
Oni-Ninja said:Holy shit! The original Perfect Dark is one of the best FPS Ive ever played!
Assuming youre not ripping the piss Oni, I half agree. Roughly 1/4 of Perfect Dark was.. well, perfect. The second level was incredibly good, but all that Skedar planet and barren outdoors shit dampened the greatness. Itd be very interesting to see a DS incarnation.Having Rare developing for DS can only be a great great thing. Even their worst output is infinitely playable, and it would be fantastic to see them put some real effort into the handheld (as opposed to the half-beans they gave DKR DS).I would give a kidney for an new DS Banjo title...

Nah, I honestly loved it to bits. I thought, for it's time (and it's hardware), it couldn't really have been any better. One could have mistaken it for a Dreamcast game. It was highly impressive. I liked the no-nonsense approach to the levels of violence as well. If you shoot someone through the head with a magnum, their brains should splatter all over the wall. Very refreshing realistically-depicted violence and the consequences thereof for a game (especially a Nintendo one).

The faults, well, I liked the Skedar levels. Not as much as the earlier ones, but still found them enjoyable. As for 'barren', there's only one level I can think of which fits that description. There's also the fact that it's home to the greatest offline FPS multiplayer on earth.

Brilliant, brilliant game.

Has there even been any proof of Perfect Dark on the DS (ie: pics or footage), or is it one of those i seen Halo on the DS but no one else did (Matt from IGN).


Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Dunno. Must say, first I've heard of it, too. It seems rather unlikely, to me. The DS isn't as powerful as the N64 (despite what some crack-heads might say to the contrary), and I doubt it could do this most graphically-impressive of N64 games justice. Then there's the controls, which are finely tuned and sublime on the N64. The DS would definitely suck at the controls.

DS can do dual stick, with the touch screen, it might be a lame dual stick, but it's better than the N64's no dual stick Smilie

My dad reckons Viva Pinata woulda been perfect for the Wii. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
DS can do dual stick, with the touch screen, it might be a lame dual stick, but its better than the N64s no dual stick SmilieMy dad reckons Viva Pinata woulda been perfect for the Wii. Smilie

D pad + touch screen vs c-buttons + analogue stick - I'd go for the N64 any day.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The C buttons weren't ideal for that Smilie

The dual mode on Goldeneye sucked, so my like for Goldeneye has gone down. I like any shootemup game that has a good dual mode, which is all of them except single stick ones & MPH. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I still doubt very much that this will happen, besides on the DS Viva could not attain the same graphical charm, and besides AC rules the DS for that type of game. LS

Having more Rare games on DS is not a bad thing, it is very good, but their output hasn't been the best over the last 6 years. That could be because some of the old team that developed games like Banjo Kazooie have left, apparently they will get in the original team to do the 360 one.

( Edited on 19.02.2007 10:30 by sporkhead )

I think people are unfair on Rare. For a start they are a big company, a few people leaving (and it really wasn't many compared to the size of the company) isn't going to affect them so significantly. I think have had a hard time last generation because of the transition coming at the wrong time, between generations, they couldn't really settle down on single platform, Gamecube projects had to be transfered to Xbox, then Xbox projects had to be transfered to Xbox 360 - but in all this, despite not being as good as in the N64 days, they've still yet to make a bad game in my opinion. I think the test will be when they finally release a pure Xbox 360 game (a game that was started on Xbox 360 and released on Xbox 360, which there hasn't been yet from Rare). I think their GBA games also prove that they're still a good developer.

Has there even been any proof of Perfect Dark on the DS (ie: pics or footage), or is it one of those i seen Halo on the DS but no one else did (Matt from IGN).

As far as I know some Rare employees talked about how they got Perfect Dark (or at least a level from Perfect Dark) up and running on the DS to test the hardware, this was before the DS's launch when they first had the development kits. Nothing was seen of it, and I don't think they had plans to make it into a full game.

but it's better than the N64's no dual stick

Actually the original Perfect Dark did offer a duel stick mode by playing with one controller in each hand. Also, I think the control system that the N64 Turok games had was a good alternative to duel stick.

The DS would definitely suck at the controls.

Yes it would, thats why the DS needs its own games and not console ports that try to replicate control systems it wasn't designed to do. I think most developers have realised this now.

Any Rare games are wonderful news. I hope for a Banjo game, a Kameo update and perhaps Joanna Dark to replace Snake in the next Super Smash Brothers.

( Edited on 19.02.2007 20:53 by Balladeer )

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Rareware had a major role in the development of quality N64 games. When I look back to them it reminds me that the N64 is my favourite old console. Rareware were amongst companies such as Factor 5 that optimised the N64's performance to run the incredible games which they created. Goldeneye's level design is consistently excellent, the platformers they made are witty, Diddy Kong Racing, in my opinion, is much better than the aging but still good Mario Kart 64, playing it in this day reveals that it has hardly aged. Blast Corps, although I didn't get the chance to buy it, seemed again, creative as always.

It saddens me when people think that some people leaving a developer means that that developer won't ever produce great games again. There will always be new talent to step into their shoes. Those people that have left Rare aren't the be-all and end-all, you know.Smilie

And also, Nintendo never had huge input into Rare's games. Rare were left to their own devices, and deserve full credit for what they achieved on the SNES and N64. Although, I do think Nintendo gave them a ring every few days to check how things were going. No doubt they will have had SOME positive influence, but not as much as people might've first thought.

And I can't wait to play Viva Pinata! As for the DS, I'd like to see Rare focus on creating something completely new. Pinata would work, but it wouldn't be nearly as complex as the original, and I honestly don't see Kameo working at all. But I'd love to see Sabreman, or perhaps even a Donkey Kong adventure. Smilie

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