Very nice imo, looking smooth - a promising game for Wii it seems. Pretty neat looking visually, got some very solid sounds too it seems - especially on landing.
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Very nice imo, looking smooth - a promising game for Wii it seems. Pretty neat looking visually, got some very solid sounds too it seems - especially on landing.
Niiiiice think i'm gonna pick this up.
Recognize this course from SSX On Tour, although general style of it and stuff is different obviously, and more courseide stuff at beginning.
Has there been any news on Nintendo's 1080 series?
I do hope there are at least a few new tracks in the games. other than that, me like.
I intended to get this game as soon as it was announced. On Tour was just my cup of tea. Looking okay too, I suppose.
Looking forward to this, when they announced the controls I got excited because they sound awesome.
I can't actually remember what the controls were now, but the actual game is looking awesome. Certainly looks fun to play... It's gonna have to be the first snowboarding game I buy ;3