The Gamecube was unquestionably my favourite console of the last generation with updates of games that I never played on the N64 (I actually bought a brand new N64 with Mario 64 from Toys R Us about a year AFTER I had bought a Cube). The Xbox had some excellent ports of PC games but I didn't love that bulky piece of plastic, with its many violent games, as much as the cute Cube. Anyway, the shooter games that the Cube featured were better than the competition eg. the Resident Evil games and Metroid Prime.
The Xbox 360, sleeker than its predecessor, has got one important ingredient on board that has swayed a Cube fan like me- Rare. Meanwhile, the Wii has a game that is also out for the Cube anyway (The Twilight Princess) and a number of Ubisoft games that, Rayman Raving Rabbits aside, have ranged from average to poor.
Where's the inventiveness, atmosphere and sumptuous graphical effects of a Cube launch game like 'Luigi's Mansion'? Instead we have 'Wii Sports'- it's all about the controller, all about hooking the casual gamer.
The Cube had a game- Metroid Prime- that is one of the finest games I have ever played. Do you really think that Metroid Prime: Corruption (I bet they thought 'corruption'- that's a word that'll hook some gritty FPS Xbox fans), with its graphics looking no better than a 5 year old game, will have the same importance?
What about 'Super Mario Galaxy'? Possibly inspired by 'Luigi's Mansion' where Luigi travels to the moon on a shooting star. From the looks of it, Miyamoto has stuck with some kind of star/shine reward again- that's a surprise. Please don't tell me that I will have to repeat the same level over and over again as Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine made you do.
Where is the next 1080 Avalanche or Beyond Good and evil on the horizon? 'Sadness' on the Wii might be interesting.
I feel like the gaming world is polarised between ultra violence and family games.
Where's the other stuff?
( Edited on 21.01.2007 16:55 by Picnic )
( Edited on 21.01.2007 16:57 by Picnic )