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Damn these nunchucks, thank god they're beginning to return to stores, lil thing was hardest to find last month..
Oh....I thought finding a Wii was harder (i still don't have one)
Ehh? Nunchuck has ALWAYS been in stock at my local. Guess I should have brought that up earlier, when everyone was looking for them. Now Wiimote's being back in stock, that would be a surprise.
TipsyRabbit said:
Ehh? Nunchuck has ALWAYS been in stock at my local. Guess I should have brought that up earlier, when everyone was looking for them. Now Wiimotes being back in stock, that would be a surprise.
Woa, lucky! Some of my locals are cheeky and have boxes with no indication they're out of stock and try to keep you inside their store for as long as poss.
I even bougth 2 Wii at 8th December. I had them both here at my place.
But I gave one away to a friend for no further fee. I am damn handsome!
It's about time in my opinion. I have been waiting absoloutely ages for one of these. They seemed to of been sold out everywhere, but now I can finally get one and play some Red Steel multiplayer action. I also can't wait to play some multiplayer Boxing on the Wii, should be fun from what i've seen.
how about that, just picked one up at woolies this afternoon, as i noticed the "out of stock" label had disappeared.... at last, Rabbids multiplayer
Well the my local game has always had Wii remote in stock that's it in terms of hardware.
Marzy Wii Boxing multiplayer is great you will love it
Finally. After leaving my second nunchuk (and wiimote) on a train before Christmas I can get a new one and batter the missus (on wii boxing of course)
You left it?
Yep I was heading back home and took a wiimote + nunchuck with me as my mate back home also had a Wii.
While approaching Manchester I wasnt too sure which station to get off at to get teh connecting train and in all my thinking I forgot to pick up my bag with my wiimote and nunchuck. Arse! haha