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ZeroSimon said:
Whats TMNT stand for?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
* * *
Quite a decent list of titles, some good, others sound a bit shite. Portage, portage! Shoot me now.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Also jb, there is a spelling mistake there. Parallel
Spelling Spree...what a load of shit
I've lost hope in Ubi now
( Edited on 02.01.2007 23:01 by dojo99 )
Ugh... FUCK another LOAD of fucking ports from Ubisoft, jesus guys you really not helping yourselves with the wii are you? AND your making every other dev think its FINE AND DANDY to god damned well re-release your old putrid shit onto the wii and call it a great new title or something. FUCK!
DO NOT, Fuck up Turtles PLEASE or I'll never buy another one of your messes again!
We've had enough horrid TMNT games in the past while shit, why not just bring back the AMAZING VERY FUN 2d beat 'em up turtles games of yore, hell I'd buy it, I'll proably end up buying them off the VC too come to think of it.
Please make a good TMNT game and bring back our recently shat upon childhoods
( Edited on 02.01.2007 23:21 by Ph00p )
Is Brothers in Arms a PS2 port as well?
Hulkamania said:
Is Brothers in Arms a PS2 port as well?
I think so.
I can't help but think Ubisoft are taking the mick at this point. When're we going to see their next proper Wii game where they've actually put some thought into it and made it specifically for the system?
Driver: Paralel Lines
Why does this seem so uninspiring? It sounds like they're going to try to teach us road rules or something.
why does none of it seems inspired. Very few companies create imaginitive games, thats why when decent games like red steel, LoZ and GoW come out their snapped up.
Here is the huge question... are we in for more crappy ports or will Ubisoft finally take the time to make great games for the Wii? To date they only have one good title and a much of vomit induce games like FarBarf (FarCry) and GT Toilet stains (GT Pro).
Brother in Arms could be quite good. I enjoyed the original a fair amount. Driver Parallel Lines is also a possible good game, though after the last one that seems slightly unlikely. I'm interested in the BiA and Rayman DS games. 3d or 2d?
Brothers in Arms has potential to be good so does Prince Persia, but i feel another shobby port coming along.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (GC) - 23/03/2007
That spoiled it now...GameCube could have died proudly with its last game being Zelda:Twilight Princess but now....
Dont cry everyone. Im sure we wont be seeing many more ports from Ubisoft in future because eventually Ubisoft will run out of games to port. There cant be many more games that are worth while to port that have been made by Ubisoft. I suspect that this first batch of ports will be the last batch.
Careful what you wish for Erotic Spider. For all you know as "gameplay other graphics" in otherwards failure to visually perform is Nintendo's them for this generation, Ubisoft might exploit this notion further and start porting PSone games over to Wii but with 16:9 480p resolution and tacked on Wii functionality.
So, there'll be "new ways" for you to play ur favourite psone games but with a
still nothing new.
Last gen, Ubisoft earned my respect with amazing titles like PoP: The Two Thrones, and Beyond Good and Evil.
This gen they are doing their hardest to kill of that earnt respect as fast as possible
( Edited on 09.01.2007 13:46 by Darkflame )
Now I have Nightmares, OLU... *g*
Great. I never got myself into buying these ports. Been glad not to have bought the two racing games Monster 4x4 and GT Pro, as they are absolutely rubbish, kudos for me, that I waited till I read the tests. I can't push me into buying Far Cry Vengeance - waiting for tests here, too. And so it's with the best title here, Rival Swords.
If Ubisoft does not pull something up here, then I won't buy any of these titles.
I understand, that Ubisoft spent some 13 Millions on Red Steel and must get the money back, but I buy these games only when they do great graphics-upgrades and when it's absolutely fantastic to play the Prince with Wiimote and Nunchuck in hand! Far Cry may be an option when it's good and I do not own the Xbox1 original. But why buying these when you own them both?
When do companies realise, that you only get money back when you make good games? Okay, it runs with EA, but not forever. All of their franchises run thin and I never bought Need For Speed, as that's gaming-fast-food with no new taste.
As is Football, NBA and Co. And so is every Lord Of The Rings action-adventure. Only good for Player's Choice.
And then there are pearls like Beyond Good And Evil that no one bought. World is not fair...
Oh my fucking god.
A GC game coming out in March 2007?
Unheard of!!!
That's how crazy in love with Nintendo Ubisoft are.
Mind Quiz is SEGA's Brain Training game.
SEGA and creibility =
Ubisoft Reveals Date of GC game's release on WiiHurray for no new games!
Is 'Parallel Lines any good? Driv3r was abit hit and miss. I enjoyed it, but the on-foot sectiones were pretty lame. If they've sorted that out for the new one, it'd be pretty darn good.