It's a very good game, and I've completed it already but I'm getting all treasure and crystals so that will take time!
P.S. I havn't been on cos of the server change and didnt know when it would come back, it's good to be back on!
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It's a very good game, and I've completed it already but I'm getting all treasure and crystals so that will take time!
P.S. I havn't been on cos of the server change and didnt know when it would come back, it's good to be back on!
welcome back
david_reed48 wrote:
the results are in the news section. find them by clicking home in the top left! Tho they only give the top 3 in each category, so we cant find out what we want to know!
Why don't you look in the sticky thread at the top...?
you could do thta as well. or you could do it my way. both work so it doesnt matter.
Yay! Sim, welcome back mate
sim51 wrote:
It's a very good game, and I've completed it already but I'm getting all treasure and crystals so that will take time!P.S. I havn't been on cos of the server change and didnt know when it would come back, it's good to be back on!
it was only down for a couple of days and has been running again for ages.
No I wont be getting it because it looks and sounds shit.
Give it time, I havn't heard too many bad words about it, apart from the length but it is meant to be short. I migth give it a rent
Phil wrote:
No I wont be getting it because it looks and sounds shit.
based on what? this comment sounds a bit unfair to me.
Has it been reviewed in any of the mags yet? I don't seem to have seen a review anywhere, (i.e. CUBE. NGC, tm or Edge). It's always suspect when a game is out before it's been reviewed.
i thought there was something about it in the latest issue of CUBE, tho i could well be wrong.
nothing in NOM so far only reviews for wario ware inc. there are a couple of pics in issue 121 october 2002 but thats a preview so you won't get anything out of that.
The game looks quite gd, but Im still waiting to see what the game can do what others can't.
sorry mae but te answer is not much. from what i have read it is good fun, but gets very repetetive.
ok can anyone give any viws because im trying to decide whether to buy this game or sc2. Soul caliber was great on the DC but gets boring in 1 player so the same could be said for SC2. Luigis amnsion looks similar to wario world and luigis amnsion was stunning and i cant stop plying it.
If you thought that SC1 was too repetitive, then you won't think that SCII is much different. The Weapons Master mode is quite interesting with an RPG twist, but some of the battling gets really boring after a while. I really love the game, but that's the problem with fighters...they get tiresome very quickly, unless you only play it for a short while every now-and-then!
As for Wario World, I actually quite like it. But that's because I didn't jump into it with expectations that were too high. It reminds me a lot of Luigi's Mansion purely because if it were any longer then it would indeed become boring. But it's relatively short from start-to-finish, and slightly longer if you choose to collect all of the hidden stuff. The controls are tight, the graphics are delightful on the whole, but bland in some places. The music is strange, but somehow manages to suit the levels...Many of the bosses are surprisingly difficult to overcome...and that's about it really.
Bottom line: If you thought SC1 was boring in places and really enjoyed LM...then plump for a (cheap if you can find it) copy of Wario World!
Hope that kind of helps a bit
thanks very much for that. its not that i found sc1 repetetive its just i thought that multiplayer was exceptional its just 1 player after getting all the characters gets rwally boring. Anyone else give any viws plz as im ordering 1 or the other tonight.
What purchase did you go for in the end? Whichever one you picked, was it a good decision?
i will probaly buy it. i looked at the screenshots and they looked great. but i'm prolly gonna buy f zero gx instead.
Well if your not decided yet anyone read The definitive review here, written by some great reviewer