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I paid £34.99 but it's PC version.

Echoes221 said:
Oblivion/Bioshock combo Xbox for £9.99 GET IT NOW! (

That combo is usually £14 in GAME. You would be better off getting Bioshock in the bundle because it is £14 on its own on Play.

( Edited 08.11.2009 21:55 by Super Sonic )

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Black Nintendo Wii with free Delivery for only £149.99.

With the added MotionPlus and WiiSports Resort, this is a great price!

Been waiting to play this for a long time;

Wario Land; The Shake Dimension on Wii - 3 pounds 99p.

Phoenixus said:
Been waiting to play this for a long time;

Wario Land; The Shake Dimension on Wii - 3 pounds 99p.

Wow, 4 quid? Ordered. Thanks.

Phoenixus said:
Been waiting to play this for a long time;

Wario Land; The Shake Dimension on Wii - 3 pounds 99p.

The Hell! My God It's true!

Hell yeah, cheers Smilie
I just ordered as well although it won't be back in stock for 7 days.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Don't know about the other stores, but Smyths (toy store) in Finchly is selling the complete rockband pack (Inc Drums, microphone etc) for PS3 and Xbox 360 for £39.99 (Originally 139.99) So go get it!

AfroXmas221 said:
Don't know about the other stores, but Smyths (toy store) in Finchly is selling the complete rockband pack (Inc Drums, microphone etc) for PS3 and Xbox 360 for £39.99 (Originally 139.99) So go get it!

I wonder if they have an online store. I hope they do.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Damn, just got an email from HMV saying they have cancelled my Wario Land order, stating that they are not going to receive any more stock of the game. Such a good deal too, it was.

Yeah same man, guess were too slow! XD
Ah well cheers for the link anyway guys Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Okay guys, Gameplay have quite a sale on. Particular highlights;

Another Code R £10.98
Let\'s Tap £5.98
The Conduit £9.98
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 £4.98
Tenchu Shadow Assassins £6.98
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Directors Cut £11.98
Mushroom Men The Spore Wars £5.98
Cursed Mountain £9.98


Okay, admittedly most are out of stock, but still some damn good deals here; I would\'ve gotten Another Code R if it was there. Smilie

( Edited 24.12.2009 06:12 by Phoenixus )

Steam have a big sale on

Avatar: The Game £24 Tesco (Xbox, PS3, Wii).

AfroXmas221 said:
Don't know about the other stores, but Smyths (toy store) in Finchly is selling the complete rockband pack (Inc Drums, microphone etc) for PS3 and Xbox 360 for £39.99 (Originally 139.99) So go get it!

Clas Ohlson, if you have one near you, are also doing this, as well as having a bunch of recent-ish games for £10-£15

saunderscowie said:
Steam have a big sale on

Avatar: The Game £24 Tesco (Xbox, PS3, Wii).

Twas about to post about that.

The steam sale is crazy, GTA4 is a fiver, stalker is 6.99, some great deals.

Resident Evil 5 on for £11. Buy it NOW! Smilie

Wow, its not out yet! But Tatsunoko vs Capcom for £25!!

Thought I'd give all you guys a heads-up;

Play have again knocked down the Black Triforce T-Shirt to a fiver, and it is available in all sizes! Dunno how long it'll stay at this price so get in quick!

Crocomire said:
Damn, just got an email from HMV saying they have cancelled my Wario Land order, stating that they are not going to receive any more stock of the game. Such a good deal too, it was.

Yeah I was genuinely upset when I got that email - was really looking forward to playing that game, I was just never going to pay full price for something that essentially might as well have been a DS game.

Gears of War 2 for a tenner anyone?

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Sainsbury's have Little King's Story for offer again, at 6 quid! In case you need anyone to say it, this is the bargain of the year by far. Smilie


Sonic and the Black Knight for a tenner
Madworld for 8 quid
The Conduit for 12 smackers.

A Boy and His Blob - £14.99

Deadly Creatures - £10.97

Arkham is £16 on Xbox and PS3 in Tesco.

Phoenixus said:
Sainsbury's have Little King's Story for offer again, at 6 quid! In case you need anyone to say it, this is the bargain of the year by far. Smilie


Sonic and the Black Knight for a tenner
Madworld for 8 quid
The Conduit for 12 smackers.

Madworld is so epic and I have yet to play Condiut. Black Knight is good but it does have some cool boss battles.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Anyone know if Sainsburys have any good Xbox deals on?

Zavvi has a few good deals but they end at midnight today!!

Madworld for 4.95.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for 9.95.

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