Aye, watching. I'm expecting embarrassment
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Aye, watching. I'm expecting embarrassment
Oh yes, and when you consider how hideous and pretentious Newsnight review is it could be truly amusing...
Sctualy fuck this. Man to Man with Dean Learner is on Channel 4.
Have I missed it yet? I really want to see this.
No, they're talking about The Sound of Appauling Shite.
( Edited on 17.11.2006 23:16 by Cleetus )
I've not watched Newsnight in years...not about to re-start now either as I'm deep into my new Japanese copy of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin!
Its on now...and its hilarious
PS3 was ripped, the guy would rather read a book than play games.
Women bummed it.
( Edited on 17.11.2006 23:33 by f | j | D )
And as predicted, they judged games in their entirity on a few shallow Wii games and the PS3's gash launch games.
Just great.
Man that snoob was such a spoil sport. I hated her.
( Edited on 17.11.2006 23:36 by Marzy )
My god, caught the last few minutes of it - it started with positive viewpoints, but then turned back into the pretentious dribble it usually is.
"I feel as if we're still in the 19th century with how primitive these things are blah blah blah oh look, my head is crawling up my ass, can someone help me pull it back out for a bit?"
I loved it when the odd looking woman tried to turn it into some sort of strange post-modern dicussion and then they all took the piss out of the name 'Wii', had a childish giggle and then remembered that they are meant to be highbrow. See, even up-their-own-arses intellects can make fun of the word Wii, rejoice!
Sounds like I was right in my judgement call...Missed nothing!
f | j | D said:
Women bummed it.
Awww stupid shutter in the shop caused me to get out of work half an hour later
Mr. T said:
I loved it when the odd looking woman tried to turn it into some sort of strange post-modern dicussion and then they all took the piss out of the name Wii, had a childish giggle and then remembered that they are meant to be highbrow. See, even up-their-own-arses intellects can make fun of the word Wii, rejoice!
I didnt even know what the fuck she was on about with the whole consequences stuff she spouted out......what the fuck was that about? she plays a bit of wii sports (or not - i couldnt quite gather wether she sasid she did or didnt under all the shit) and suddenly shes become a game philosepher, knows about every wii game and every other game made and decides to make pointless comments that dont make sense about it.......
im sorry, its just that the whole thing was just.....uh...
Yeah, it sucked. They had fun and they just can't admit it. They have to pretend to be sophisticated and intelligent, and obviously that means not playing computer games...
Eh, that woman was funny. Going on about how this kid learns consequences from playing computer games...yes...the main consequence being that if you run over someone in your car you then have to either kill the police following you or you get locked up in jail for three seconds and lose your items...that's exactly how it happens in real life...obviously...
Then she says that the Wii is the exact opposite? Erm...how so? Because it has a different control system you can no longer supposedly learn about 'consequences' ?
f | j | D said:
PS3 was ripped, the guy would rather read a book than play games.Women bummed it.( Edited on 17.11.2006 23:33 by f | j | D )
What if that guy REAAAALLY loved books?
Amazingjanet said:Mr. T said:I loved it when the odd looking woman tried to turn it into some sort of strange post-modern dicussion and then they all took the piss out of the name Wii, had a childish giggle and then remembered that they are meant to be highbrow. See, even up-their-own-arses intellects can make fun of the word Wii, rejoice!I didnt even know what the fuck she was on about with the whole consequences stuff she spouted out......what the fuck was that about? she plays a bit of wii sports (or not - i couldnt quite gather wether she sasid she did or didnt under all the shit) and suddenly shes become a game philosepher, knows about every wii game and every other game made and decides to make pointless comments that dont make sense about it.......im sorry, its just that the whole thing was just.....uh...
From another comment I guessed the Wii remote went places it wasn't suppossed to some idiot's hands
ZeroSimon said:f | j | D said:PS3 was ripped, the guy would rather read a book than play games.Women bummed it.( Edited on 17.11.2006 23:33 by f | j | D )What if that guy REAAAALLY loved books?
I really love books to! Nothing wrong with that!
Books can be good, and others utter nothing but shite, like everything else in this bleedin' book!
( Edited on 17.11.2006 23:55 by Angus )
Books can be good, and others utter nothing but shite
Pretentious dribble....I hate people.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.