Most respected people of all time -

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Jesus Christ?

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Douglas Adams. 42 will never be forgotten.

Tim Schafer


If your a moron and dont know him (sorry, but i wont go back on that :lolSmilie then google him and pay your respects NOW.

( Edited on 06.11.2006 00:35 by Wo33eR )

Wo33eR ::: Wo33eR.CoM Website :: Cubed-3 :: [ General Writer :: Reveiwer ]

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I think you're losing a bit of perspective. Why do you respect someone who wrote a good song more than Philo Farnsworth, Galileo, Euler, Da Vinci, Darwin Newton or Bell? Not having Bohimean Rhapsody or Donkey Kong isn't that big a deal compared to what these men gave us.

I see your point. Those men are were great thinkers but I have more respect for someone who makes me think. Someone like a Jim Morrison or a Pete Townshend or Roger Waters.

Obviously Ken Kutagari.

Jorge Ba-oh


I think you're losing a bit of perspective. Why do you respect someone who wrote a good song more than Philo Farnsworth, Galileo, Euler, Da Vinci, Darwin Newton or Bell? Not having Bohimean Rhapsody or Donkey Kong isn't that big a deal compared to what these men gave us.

Well we are humans, sentinent, intelligent beings. We are past surivival now, and thus my respect doesn't go to any warriors or etc. Our species is now centralised around culture and science, it defines us. Songs, games, books are all forms of art, which contribute to our culture. It is important to me, because these artists have impacted so greatly on our culture. How come you excluded di vinci from the other artisits?

DARWIN, that was who I was forgetting. And philosophers like Freud and Plato.

( Edited on 06.11.2006 12:44 by Z )

Z said:
I think youre losing a bit of perspective. Why do you respect someone who wrote a good song more than Philo Farnsworth, Galileo, Euler, Da Vinci, Darwin Newton or Bell? Not having Bohimean Rhapsody or Donkey Kong isnt that big a deal compared to what these men gave us.
Well we are humans, sentinent, intelligent beings. We are past surivival now, and thus my respect doesnt go to any warriors or etc. Our species is now centralised around culture and science, it defines us. Songs, games, books are all forms of art, which contribute to our culture. It is important to me, because these artists have impacted so greatly on our culture. How come you excluded di vinci from the other artisits? DARWIN, that was who I was forgetting. And philosophers like Freud and Plato.( Edited on 06.11.2006 12:44 by Z )

All freud ever did was relate eveything back to peoples mothers. I think he caused the birth of the phrase *YOUR MUM!*, Or at least find some way to relate it to how you're secretly sexually attracted to her. Go on, you know you are really.........Smilie


Grumbler said:
Mr. Ashcroft

Stop it you are making me blush. Smilie

My personal would be;

Martin Luther King Jnr.
Malcolm X
Nelson mandela
Johnny Cash
Ray Charles
Paul Weller
Richard Ashcroft
John Lennon
JRR Tolkien
Tom Hanks
Di Niro
Will Smith (Fresh Prince)
Chris Martin
Eamon DeValera

Can't thing of much more at the minute.

As for Robsy if any little white ass fucker fucking made me a slave and treated me like a second rate citizen and came into my country and making the black majority stay in poverty i would bomb the fucking white cunt. This is all coming from a white person. personally i feel embarrassed of White man's actions over history towards all different types of people, personally if there where more people like Mandela the world would be a better place.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, Ghandi was a racist, The Dhali Lama finances guerilla movements and Mother Theresa spent most of her charity money setting up new churches to push christianity on the poor, little was actually spent helping them.

Considering the abpve Shigsy is worth respect.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Matthew Gastrian Evans said:
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, Ghandi was a racist, The Dhali Lama finances guerilla movements and Mother Theresa spent most of her charity money setting up new churches to push christianity on the poor, little was actually spent helping them.Considering the abpve Shigsy is worth respect.


"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Bruce dickinson- current iron maiden singer.


Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

I would not include Mother Teresa for what Gastrian said.

Im unsure about Malcolm X. I wouldnt put him above Martin Luther, but he did do a lot thats worthy of respect.

See no Wiivil
Hear no Wiivil
Speak no Wiivil

Yeah, Mother Teresa is overated.

Sir Donald Bradman.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

A true Aussie legend.... nay, I care little about watching sports, let alone cricket.
I had a feeling you would say 'Ptolemy' though, well for obvious reasons.

Steve Irwin?

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Whoever invented sliced bread...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Bob Marley!!!!

who ever invented the pie also.

James said:
Xeke said:Steve Irwin?
Funny bastard.Smilie
Amazingjanet said:
James said:Are you taking the piss with Miyamoto? Who respects him other than a few Nintendo fans and those who he works with? Itd have been ok if you had some other people who are respected within their industry but nowhere else but you have people who are all respected everywhere and known worldwide.Howard Hughes had a lot of respect. Wgat about Charles Dickens too?( Edited on 05.11.2006 09:52 by James )
Just about every person in the gaming industry respects and looks up to him, and dont forget how many peoples lives hes affected just by creating characters/games like mario (originially jumpman) and donkey kong, pikmin, zelda, and a whole host of other games.Also he actually came up with the concept that the designers/artists on the games should have a hand in the technical side of things, as in knowing the system and its capabilities, and not just drawing something up and handing it over to the programmers to handle by themselves.He also came up with another technique on the old jumpman arcade game (because of this he came up with the above reasoning). They wanted some girders placed diagonally, but the system wasnt powerful enough at the time to actually draw diagonal lines, so he came up with the idea, scribbled down on a peice of paper, of drawing a little line, then going down a line, then drawing another little one, a bit like this:--_-(except the height gaps between lines smaller obviously) to give the impression of a diagonal line.)THATS why he should be one of the most respected people of all time.EDIT: dam line thing didnt come out right.( Edited on 05.11.2006 12:34 by Amazingjanet )
Sorry I read perhaps the first line then nothing else. You prove exactly my point. The world doesnt start and finish with the games industry. Other things happen too. Miyamoto is a nobody. Sorry nintendo fanboy/girl youre wrong.Within the industry respected - yes! But outside of the industry and a few geeks who knows who he is? Hmm.

Actually didn't he get some art award in France?

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Buddah said:

Now you see, that would be Fatal Smilie


Xeke said:
James said:
Xeke said:Steve Irwin?
Funny bastard.Smilie
Amazingjanet said:
James said:Are you taking the piss with Miyamoto? Who respects him other than a few Nintendo fans and those who he works with? Itd have been ok if you had some other people who are respected within their industry but nowhere else but you have people who are all respected everywhere and known worldwide.Howard Hughes had a lot of respect. Wgat about Charles Dickens too?( Edited on 05.11.2006 09:52 by James )
Just about every person in the gaming industry respects and looks up to him, and dont forget how many peoples lives hes affected just by creating characters/games like mario (originially jumpman) and donkey kong, pikmin, zelda, and a whole host of other games.Also he actually came up with the concept that the designers/artists on the games should have a hand in the technical side of things, as in knowing the system and its capabilities, and not just drawing something up and handing it over to the programmers to handle by themselves.He also came up with another technique on the old jumpman arcade game (because of this he came up with the above reasoning). They wanted some girders placed diagonally, but the system wasnt powerful enough at the time to actually draw diagonal lines, so he came up with the idea, scribbled down on a peice of paper, of drawing a little line, then going down a line, then drawing another little one, a bit like this:--_-(except the height gaps between lines smaller obviously) to give the impression of a diagonal line.)THATS why he should be one of the most respected people of all time.EDIT: dam line thing didnt come out right.( Edited on 05.11.2006 12:34 by Amazingjanet )
Sorry I read perhaps the first line then nothing else. You prove exactly my point. The world doesnt start and finish with the games industry. Other things happen too. Miyamoto is a nobody. Sorry nintendo fanboy/girl youre wrong.Within the industry respected - yes! But outside of the industry and a few geeks who knows who he is? Hmm.
Actually didnt he get some art award in France?

That he did, hes had quite a few honours and awards, look him up on wikipedia. The fact is he helped shape an industry that has entertained millions of people, its like saying steven spielberg or whatever other renowned filmmakers only started and end in the film industry, just because not everyone knows him or isn't a household name doesn't mean he deserves any less respect.

And also I nominate He-man, if it wasn't for him, then we'd all be under skeletors rule now, and for that I am thankful He-man.

Sorry I read perhaps the first line then nothing else. You prove exactly my point. The world doesn't start and finish with the games industry.

The world doesn't end with the Film industry either. Shigsy played a vital role in the evolution and revolutions of the video game industry, and for that he earns my respect. Just as Cervantes earns my respect for his contributions towards the modern novel, or Edgar Allan Poe with starting the crime fiction genre.

=> Naoto Oshima!!! Smilie

Well, he needs to be, Yuji Naka takes all the credit. Accidentally of course, they're both legs. Smilie

=> Akira Toriyama
=> SON GO COO. Smilie

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