Ooh, now while this may be a waste of your time, I for one, am very proud of it. & you shall see why.
Now, at the moment, I have a very passionate feeling about SEGA, Konami & Capcom's lovin' towards PSP & PS3, yes? Many exclusives or "Better versions" of my fave games franchises going on these consoles....
Like Super Monkey Ball Adventure...
The game has hidden extras & less glitchy gameplay on the PS2 & PSP versions, while the GC version feels a bit rushed at times... On the back of the PSP cover I noticed the PSP & PS2 could unlock an extra character through connection (Gimmicks,Gimmicks,Gimmicks)
Naturally; this made me VERY VERY MAD. I knew which character it was, why THAT one? WHY! It's one of the coolest! After using AR Central (http://arcentral.net/) to get some codes for the game, I realised there were no means to get this character in the GC version.
Then there was the unlock all characters cheat. I used it, & got the character. I was extremely chuffed with that! So I saved him on. Although it wasn't my cheat, I was still glad that I stuck it to the system, or whatever
So many thanks to that site!
Thank you Action Replay!
EDIT: So basically, if you've had any similar experiences with a cheat disc, or something like that, then you can post it here
( Edited on 03.10.2006 21:13 by SuperLink )