Press release:
[b]Imagine launches Revolution
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Press release:
[b]Imagine launches Revolution
Sounds good!
It's great that they're using the name Revolution, as some people don't know Wii, only Revolution, they won't know it's changed it's name yet, so it'll grab their attention & tell them about Wii.
Of course if they know about the new name already, they probably will have heard the old name too, so it'll... like... grab all the Nintendo audiences
It's also a good way to name the mag after the Wii is no longer called Revo. It means the magazine can still have an original sounding name but be entirely to do with Wii.
Or something like that.
including exclusive game trailers
EDIT: By the way, you spelt Magazine wrong
( Edited on 11.09.2006 22:47 by Sought The Poltercow )
EDIT: By the way, you spelt Magazine wrong
Normaly people don't point it out and I keep doing it for another two years or so.
I always point out stuff like that I do it on purpose whenever I find fault in anything; except in n00bs, becuase that could be the most tiring job on the planet.... (Maybe even moreso than the thought of BUYING a PS3 )
HazukiSan said:
Why do I have a feeling we're going to regularly get Wii-mote *attatchments* as a free gift?
Retro Gamer (the only magazine on the market worth reading)
EDGE! NGamer has also been massively better since the rebranding in terms of Nintendo magazines, they've really pulled their finger out so far after the poor showing of NGC towards the end of its life.
I already spend too much on magazines, so I don't think I'll be getting this unless they offer me some really good free gifts. Nice to see another one on the market though, somebody somewhere in the publishing circuit must have some faith in Wii.
True, actually, they were nasty to Odama. Didn't they give it 3 or 4? Generally when looking at EDGE, you have to take their review score and add one or two points to average it out with other publications.
They do some really good features though. Decent article/interview with Tetsuya Mizuguchi this month.
I don't see much point in magazines these days - aside from reviews and occasional special features from the more reliable publications. They're great for reading on long journeys or sometimes on the bog, but aside from that the net's making things obsolete.
Grumbler, I think you might appreciate this.
Everybody needs to go and buy EDGE this month right now. They have a feature on the greatest game of all time Guardian Heroes on Sega Saturn in it. I've not read it yet (I read the magazine in order), but I just spotted it flicking through.
Retro Gamer (the only magazine on the market worth reading), is
shiptoncraig said:Retro Gamer (the only magazine on the market worth reading), is
Willenium said:shiptoncraig said:Retro Gamer (the only magazine on the market worth reading), is
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Meh, according to ukresistance, retro games suck balls and I have no independent thought so conversely I no longer play games older than my toenail.
( Edited on 12.09.2006 20:11 by Willenium )
Willenium said:Meh, according to ukresistance, retro games suck balls and I have no independent thought so conversely I no longer play games older than my toenail.You do realise that UKR is 110% tongue-in-cheek? The whole Retro-games-are-rubbish thing was to get some hilarious responses from morons. It worked.( Edited on 12.09.2006 20:11 by Willenium )
I don't like you.
( Edited on 12.09.2006 20:45 by Slydevil )
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
ONM is
Slydevil said:Willenium said:I dont like you.Edit: ( Edited on 12.09.2006 20:45 by Slydevil )Meh, according to ukresistance, retro games suck balls and I have no independent thought so conversely I no longer play games older than my toenail.You do realise that UKR is 110% tongue-in-cheek? The whole Retro-games-are-rubbish thing was to get some hilarious responses from morons. It worked.( Edited on 12.09.2006 20:11 by Willenium )
Willenium said:Slydevil said:The funniest thing youll ever read on UK:RWillenium said:I dont like you.Edit: ( Edited on 12.09.2006 20:45 by Slydevil )Meh, according to ukresistance, retro games suck balls and I have no independent thought so conversely I no longer play games older than my toenail.You do realise that UKR is 110% tongue-in-cheek? The whole Retro-games-are-rubbish thing was to get some hilarious responses from morons. It worked.( Edited on 12.09.2006 20:11 by Willenium )
.............................I was being a bit sarcastic though.
Screw it i'm tired fuck off.
( Edited on 12.09.2006 21:31 by Slydevil )
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.