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stucorbs said:
It froze and now supermans pub is full
Marzy said:stucorbs said:It froze and now supermans pub is fullSame
Don't hve any problems, it's loading for me atm...
Yeh, I edited that in, It's loading for me now. Rather slowly I might add.
( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:28 by stucorbs )
It was loading for me then stopped at 38%.
Shagster's online! Get in on the action mate!
stucorbs said:
Yeh, I edited that in, Its loading for me now. Rather slowly I might add.( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:28 by stucorbs )
Same here..80% atm...
Online paintballing sounds fun, I'm loading as I post, alo slowly.
He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.
Yep it's loading with me now and like Stu said, very slow.
Yep come and join us Shagster.
Marzy said:
Yep its loading with me now and like Stu said, very slow. Yep come and join us Shagster.
Yeah, that would be shagadelic!
95% now...
96%, probably my last post here for a while then, see you all inside!
spydarlee said:
96%, probably my last post here for a while then, see you all inside!
Just wait till it has to load all the individual stuff like it is doing in my game now.. Damnzorx...
WTF, all of a sudden it started loading a different map, now starting all over again!...
( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:34 by Faust )
I want to know what the gotmilf.jpeg looks like.
EDIT Fucks sake, your right Faust. Now it's loading 'Shazam22'
( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:40 by stucorbs )
stucorbs said:
I want to know what the gotmilf.jpeg looks like.EDIT Fucks sake, your right Faust. Now its loading Shazam22( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:40 by stucorbs )
Well, it turned out okay eventually
On to the next round! Will probably take about 10 minutes again
And anyone interested: I'm NuBee(XD)
( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:53 by Faust )
Lol, us on the blues were slaughtered! Experienced quite a bit of lag during that game.
( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:53 by Cu Roi )
I did so badly. Only got 3 kills.
Nice stuff guys, this map seems to be loading quicker (for me anyway) - over half way done so far.
Cu Roi said:
Lol, us on the blues were slaughtered! Experienced quite a bit of lag during that game.( Edited on 18.02.2007 21:53 by Cu Roi )
I didn\t have any lag at all... But yeah, we got slaughtered bigtime... I wanna be on Red next time!
This is pretty awesome although i'm not that good at it, i'm enjoying it it. I want more C3 gaming nights! anyone got Unreal Tournament?
Unreal 2004? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Marzy said:
Yep its loading with me now and like Stu said, very slow. Yep come and join us Shagster.
OMG i really wish i could, but i'm just on my way out
if the buzz for a game is still on, i should be up for playing Tuesday night.
Have fun you crazy kids, make sure no one loses an eye
Did better that time. Was on the winning team!
Shagster said:Marzy said:Yep its loading with me now and like Stu said, very slow. Yep come and join us Shagster.OMG i really wish i could, but im just on my way out if the buzz for a game is still on, i should be up for playing Tuesday night.Have fun you crazy kids, make sure no one loses an eye
The glasses don't work!
Anyways, I'm calling it quits, way too horny to keep playing>.> And I still have to study *vomitS*
tWas fun, and see you guys next time!
Woohoo, spanked!
I'm done. T'was fun though, hope it happens again sometime.
He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.