After hearing nothing on CAPCOM's plans for the Wii (and i mean literally nothing apart from confirming the exist of REWii and Devil May Cry Wii) and only having really Pheonix Wright 2 on the horizon for the DS, many are wondering as to why CAPCOM have suddenly went off Nintendo platforms. It seems a long time from the "Big 5 Exclusives" we got from CAPCOM *okay 1 was canned and 1 only remained exclusive*, so what went wrong?
i was looking through comparison sales of games on Nintendo platforms and games on the PS2 and couldn't really help but wonder CAPCOM was so good to Nintendo fans and the GameCube in particluar;
GameCube CAPCOM million sellers;
RE4 1.44m
RE0 1.40m
REmake 1.26m
PS2 CAPCOM million sellers;
Devil May Cry 2.74
Onimusha 2.46
Onimusha 2 2.14
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X 2.05
Resident Evil 4 1.81
Devil May Cry 2 1.69
Devil May Cry 3 1.62
Onimusha 3 1.34
Resident Evil Outbreak 1.33
Whereas the GBA had 2 one million sellers both Megaman games.
So this shows that CAPCOM are right to have Wii production on a lower volume than the 360 and PS3.
As a massive CAPCOM fan it is a bit dissapointing that CAPCOM are showing little interest in the Wii, i hope they really prove me wrong but when you look at how much better there games do on the PS2 you can't really complain, granted the VJ's, Killer 7 all did better on the GameCube.
However surely CAPCOM can't dismiss that the DS is thomping it's rival everywhere and that the Wii is arguably the most anticiapted new console and with it is easy to develop for, means more profit for CAPCOM.
So to sum up do you think CAPCOM are right or wrong to not really be concerned or interest in the Wii?
Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."