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They're not THAT great game. What a coincidence though, my girlfriend's birthday is on the same day
Good luck to you my friend.
( Edited on 17.08.2006 17:25 by Negatio )
Shinji_Zooka said:
Theyre not THAT great game. What a coincidence though, my girlfriends birthday is on the same day
Huh? Is she, like, really looking forward to these games or something?
I didn't get it either.:/
...It's just a coincidence...meaning you dont HAVE to understand it...just a coincidence...besides, she is getting NOTHING from me on her birthday, already bought here a White Lite in advance...>->
EDIT: Spelling
( Edited on 17.08.2006 18:10 by Shinji_Zooka )
OMG end of the world like we really wanted know that. Atari suck end of.
Marzy said:
OMG end of the world like we really wanted know that. Atari suck end of.
IKARUGA! If I could take away stars...
I'm trying to find out what has happened to Ace Combat Advance as well...apparently Dig Dug Digging Strike is still on course for release next Friday, though
Is rebelstar not meant to be good or i am talking bullshit
Pft, big wank.