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Nice one. I was hopeing we'd see some DS Slug to be honest. MS has always been an arcade fave of mine, so nice to see it on Wii.
Ooh, this is good!
Probably just for mini-games though.
No, compilation disk. With the controller, i guess they could just use it to point to were you wan't to shoot, instead of using the analoge stick, it would be nice to have the aiming seperate from the movement.
They May have multiple uses for it, mabe a shooter, mabe the analouge, shooters are way fun. But I quickly realise my arm has tired, Still it will be nice too see.
Well, Metal Slug Advance was a cracking game and Metal Slug 1 is still set for the GBA, so even more MS loving on Nintendo is great. Between this and the DS announcement of SNK vs Capcom, there's a stronger chance now than ever of NeoGeo stuff appearing on the Virtual Console I'd reckon!
or should that be:
My life is now complete!! *dies from shock*
How sad, to finally reach completeness of life, then die...
@ Rob - nice!
I've got Metal Slug 3 on the PS2 and love it...real shame the GC missed out.
Oh really? I hated Metal Slug.
You... You... WHAT!?!?!? *explodes*
Anyway... I assume that the revmote will just be used for aiming the weapons. It will give far more fluid control though, and shooting diagonally'll be alot easier...