500? Thats a lot for the first title. It'll be interesting to see how Poke-related this game is, such as cretures with elements and such. But it looks like its got a strong backing. I'm sure a disney cartoon series will follow.
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500? Thats a lot for the first title. It'll be interesting to see how Poke-related this game is, such as cretures with elements and such. But it looks like its got a strong backing. I'm sure a disney cartoon series will follow.
I saw this image on ign.com... Very pok
Ooh, that creature looks cute! Like a mix-breed of a Chinese lion and rat!
But when it comes to pokemon-related games...Its kinda boring. There is so many of them already. Ah, well...
EDIT: By the way, that creature reminds me of the fishes in Wind Waker.
( Edited on 02.05.2006 13:34 by Sheena )
Hmm, Jupiter's got a very strong track record. Mario Picross was a great game for such a simple concept and the two Pok