bioum looks great and so does Chii and Fuu's Delicious Picturebook. Time to brefriend their creators to get a download sorted, .
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bioum looks great and so does Chii and Fuu's Delicious Picturebook. Time to brefriend their creators to get a download sorted, .
wow is the last one made for moms or what???
Lol, what a bunch of quirky and amusing games. It's a shame after so much hard work you can't actually save the games once you turn off the DS. Some of those screens have such brilliant artwork..!
jb said:
It's a shame after so much hard work you can't actually save the games once you turn off the DS.
That's what I'm disappointed about. Bioum especially would probably be better if you could save it indefinitely.
The last two sound great.
The first sounds like a simple spin on spore. The last just sounds great to me I would like to see more stuff like that, and if they were cheap, I'd have a few...of course I'd never be seen with them in public...
I wish they had courses like that over here.
jb said:
Lol, what a bunch of quirky and amusing games. Its a shame after so much hard work you cant actually save the games once you turn off the DS. Some of those screens have such brilliant artwork..!
Now then, Nintendo, where is the Virtual Console for Nintendo DS?
bioum sounds awesome, mini s[pre, that sounds like it , witha bit of work, couldbe a fully fledged game! releas it nintendo, cth ontro the spore bandwagon thats about to start rollling
Chii and Fuu's Delicious Picturebook reminds be of the Revolution controller video, where you saw people chopping stuff up and flipping pancakes.
Bioum sounds great. The graphics reminded me of Electro Plankton.
Mason said:jb said:Its a shame after so much hard work you cant actually save the games once you turn off the DS.Thats what Im disappointed about. Bioum especially would probably be better if you could save it indefinitely.
Agree totally, methinks NInty have to take the risk of release writable DS carts for these.
Nintendo should release a GBAcart/memory card, so that you can store these kinda games for keeps.
That would save them from releasing rewritables.
( Edited on 15.04.2006 15:46 by SKI )
Nintendo should make it their business to allow amateurs to deliver their home-brew games in both, the Nintendo DS and the Revolution. Imagine the wealth of games that could be available for us to enjoy!
Wow! Those look really awesome... I would seriously pay for the first and third ones...
I actually like the sounds of the first and as many seem to have said Bioum. But the first sounds like an intuitive use of both screens.
Awesome ideas, especially if it carries through to the revolution as seems to be the case.
HazukiSan said:Mason said:Agree totally, methinks NInty have to take the risk of release writable DS carts for these.jb said:Its a shame after so much hard work you cant actually save the games once you turn off the DS.Thats what Im disappointed about. Bioum especially would probably be better if you could save it indefinitely.
Maybe there testing the water with who takes to this or not? I agree it look good and i can't see why it won't work, but i think they'll wait for a while first.
Why don't Nintendo release a selection of these games on a single cart every six months at budget price?
Money for them and exposure of budding games developers!
mrmusic said:
Why dont Nintendo release a selection of these games on a single cart every six months at budget price?Money for them and exposure of budding games developers!
Might be good, especially if they could get sponsership for it. Less costs for them.
Maby they will use the revolution for these types of games? They said original content would be availiable on the VC and DS connectivity is almst a certainty, plus you wouldn't have to leave your house to get the game.
Blade2t3 said:
Maby they will use the revolution for these types of games? They said original content would be availiable on the VC and DS connectivity is almst a certainty, plus you wouldnt have to leave your house to get the game.
Definitely should be taken onboard. The VC is a great marketplace for bedroom devs and it'd be nice to see the market opened up a bit.