im not a fan of kanden i prefer samus with her homing missles you can do some serious damage especially in the smaller stages. i like trace as well just for the large stages.... get the imperialist hide and kill
*tman!UK's headshot kills you'!
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im not a fan of kanden i prefer samus with her homing missles you can do some serious damage especially in the smaller stages. i like trace as well just for the large stages.... get the imperialist hide and kill
*tman!UK's headshot kills you'!
Trace is so bloody easy to kill though. Just camp near the imperialist respwan point and kill away!
I don't mind if your a good trace user just don't always turn into the annoying alt form too much.
But Sylux users, they just piss me off. It are so hard to beat.
Just find an imperialist spawn and KEEP AWAY FROM SYLUX! Nothing beats Sylux in up-close combat so don't even try. Take him out from a distance.
Trace is so bloody easy to kill though.
A good Trace will try not to leave himself continually open to death though; continual migration is best for Trace so as to throw off enemies.
Just camp near the imperialist respwan point and kill away!
Most people as Trace just grab the imperialist and stay in one spot making it easy to rack up kills.
Most people as Trace just grab the imperialist and stay in one spot making it easy to rack up kills.
True, but they'll have to get more ammo eventually and in my experience most head back to the respawn point.
AS a trace user myself whenever i travell i always go in alt form so i manage to slink away barely noticed from the fighting so i can find more ammo.
Erotic_Spider said:
AS a trace user myself whenever i travell i always go in alt form so i manage to slink away barely noticed from the fighting so i can find more ammo.
I do the same thing. Why wander around vulnerable looking for amo when you can use your faster and harder to hit alt-form and suck up just as much amo unscathed?
Hey, I'd like to know a few things, my bro wants to see his online stats, but he doesn't know where to go, or how to upload, them, I've looked on the WiFi page for info on it, but nothing, so where do I look?
Sylux I'm glad doesn't have a melee attack, but his shock coil weapon is brutal.
My favourite has to be Spire - scaling walls in alt mode? Get in!
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
Sought The Poltercow said:
Hey, Id like to know a few things, my bro wants to see his online stats, but he doesnt know where to go, or how to upload, them, Ive looked on the WiFi page for info on it, but nothing, so where do I look?
Go to 'Edit friends and rivals', your stats should be displayed on the top screen
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
Has anyone unlocked the sound test mode yet? i have and after listening through it i think that hunters has really crap music, i never really remembered any of them except for one.
Yeah, but the sound quality is very good I thought, but the music is poor compared to the other prime games, I admit.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
Frazzle.d said:
Yeah, but the sound quality is very good I thought, but the music is poor compared to the other prime games, I admit.
Yeah definitely, simply not as memorable or as grand as any other Metroid Game.
Which is why I downloaded every Prime battle theme there is
Dark Samus Battle mp3 ftw!
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
The best theme in any of the Metroid games is easily Phendrana Drifts, and it gets better when you revisit that area, and the theme has changed to a brilliant remixed version.
Anyway, I received Metroid Prime: Hunters in the post on thursday, and have played up to the boss of mission 4, and I am quite impressed.
Some issues to note though are why is the word 'Prime' even mentioned in the name. No Prime/ Dark Samus in the game.
The game is obviously going to be called 'Metroid' but Metroid's are non existent. There is that strange thing which looks exactly like a Metroid, but isn't.
The music is below par for a Metroid game. It is still good and sets the scene, but it just doesn't have that Metroid feel to it. Although there is a track based on the Phendrana theme, two notes have been altered and it sounds worse.
Still, the sound overall is good.
I heard there was a lack of puzzles, but I have not found this so far. There have been a good number of puzzles, and the game still keeps you thinking.
One thing which bothers me is the lack of Space Pirates. I remember in the First Hunt demo bundled with the DS had an unlockable movie which showed Samus, some Space Pirates and the Space Pirate theme. It is a pity they have no appearance in the game at all.
The cut-scenes are lovely. Graphically they are easily the best out of any Metroid Game.
The bosses were good until number 3 when it was just a repeat of number 1, but with another attack. I feel it was just lazy of the developers to repeat the bosses.
Anywho, overall the game is holding up to my expectations.
It was never going to be as good as Prime/Echoes, but it is still a great game.
The bosses were good until number 3 when it was just a repeat of number 1, but with another attack. I feel it was just lazy of the developers to repeat the bosses.
That was the biggest fault for me. Those 2 things are basically the only bosses in it, all through the game you hear how scary and ivincible this 'Gorgea' is then you get to him and he's piss easy.
Anyways, the main reason I loved MP so much was the terrifying bosses, every one of them unique and imaginatve. It just seems that not alot of energy was put into this part of Hunters
Yeah. I think the developers thought that the fights against the Hunters in a way count as boos fights so not much effort was put into the main bosses.
The fights against the Hunters do in a way make up for the lack of real bosses, but it does get repetitive and boring fighting the same boss over and over. It becomes more of a chore, because you can't go any further in the game until you have done it.
HazukiSan said:
God, if I play one more alt Kanden abuser online Ill scream.
To get at those losers, just gain higher ground where they can't get you and fire down upon them with the magmaul. They should get the hint or die.
They should get the hint or die.
Preferably both, ofcourse
God, if I play one more alt Kanden abuser online I'll scream.
Simple, all you need is the imperialist, Kanden head in alt form is huge! And really slow (slower than his biped) so escaping from them is easy. Being a experience Kanden player myself, alt form is only useful for annoying sylux's and running away.
Frazzle.d said:Sought The Poltercow said:Hey, Id like to know a few things, my bro wants to see his online stats, but he doesnt know where to go, or how to upload, them, Ive looked on the WiFi page for info on it, but nothing, so where do I look?Go to Edit friends and rivals, your stats should be displayed on the top screen
You can see them on but you have to link your DS. Unfortunatly you'll have to get a zip code and pretend you live in the states to sighn up because Nintendo Europe is too lazy to do anything with our website
( Edited on 31.05.2006 19:29 by Blade2t3 )
But even then a lot of people are having probs with the wfc website because NInty weren't expecting it to be this busy.
I see, so only US'ers can upload stats.
I know what you mean, NOE really can't be arsed to do anything with the NOE WiFi site.
Sought The Poltercow said:
I see, so only USers can upload stats.I know what you mean, NOE really cant be arsed to do anything with the NOE WiFi site.
Well yes and no. Just put in a fake address and you'll be good to go.