Cubed3 Stars FAQ

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Cubed3 Stars is a unique reputation system where users, and moderators, can rate others with stars for their contribution to the forum.

Each week you will be allowed to give away a limited amount of stars. The amount depends on your post count.

Examples of this:

Typical Good Posting

  • Well developed, informative posts.
  • Funny/amusing posts.
  • Piece of work - writing, drawing, website etc
  • Winning a forum game
  • Good opinion/agreeing with someone
  • Good/Interesting blog

How to give someone a star

Each week, as a member, you will be given a certain amount of stars to distribute to other members, but each star you give has to be to a unique member, i.e. you can't give more than one star to a person during the week.

A star is used to give users reputation on their good posting, along with a nice message (custom or default messages) to award them for good posting. BLOGS can now also be starred.

The amount of stars you are allowed to give to others depends on your post count:

Star Distribution



  1. To give someone a star, click on the "Give Star" button on the selected post.
  2. This will bring up a new window. Fill in the details and select/add a message.
  3. Submit your star
  4. Stars are processed into each account at the end of the week automatically.
  5. Be warned! You won't be able to retract your stars.

What are stars used for?

Stars have no values associated with them (i.e, a star is a star, irrelevant of who gave it). The more stars you have, the better your reputation should be! Mods, however, will be able to remove stars if you are naughty (uh-oh!).

There are two leagues of stars which will run:

  • An overall league: This will be continually updated with your star counts. This league won't be reset so all the stars you get will be added to this league.
  • A seasonal league: This will run and be reset every 3 months, i.e. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The top person at the end of each season, who has earned the most stars, will receive a cool prize/thing - all in good fun!


There is a stars hub, located (here), that is used to show the current season rankings and overall rankings for the site.

These will be updated each week.


At the end of each week (Sunday, 11pm GMT) stars are processed into one's account by a little invention called "c3bot".

C3bot is on a timer, to process stars.

If you have received stars, these will sent to you via PM ONLY A THE END OF THE WEEK.

A results post will also be made each week in the announcements forum listing the current leagues so you can see and dicuss your results.

The C3 bot will run at the end of each week (unless stated) at 11pm, GMT. The C3 bot is used to batch process stars into everyone's accounts. So when stars are sent, recepients will only be notified when C3 bot is run at the end of the week

Bonus Points

As well as getting your results sent out at the end of the week (if you have any stars), you will also be up for the chance of receiving bonus points. The bonus points are as follows:
Number of Stars

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my stars?

If someone has sent you a star, you will receive a PM at the end of the week (12pm, GMT - unless stated) with a report, and your stars will be topped up then. This is done automatically and will be on a timer. However, during the first week, it will happen mid-week to get the system flowing with stars.

I sent someone a star and they haven't got it, what's going on?!

When you send someone a star, it will be placed in a list to be processed at the end of the week. If they don't receive a PM, however, at the end of the week then please ask the person to get in touch.

Do the stars come from my own pocket?

No, stars are avaliable to you (depending on post count) to distribute to others. If you send someone a star, your personal record of your own stars won't decrease. The only value that will decrease is the number of stars you can give out. For example, it would be like someone walking up to you with a big bag of money, and you giving it to others - it won't affect your personal bank account by doing so!

Can I save my stars up?

Nope. Stars are reset each week to the set value depending on your post count. So if you had 5 stars remaining, and 10 to start with, these will be reset back to 10 as opposed to 15.

Will I know who sent me stars and why?

Yes, the difference with the star system to the old userpoints system is that in your stars report at the end of the week - a list of stars - the exact post that was starred, the reason and person who gave you a star.

Can I star myself?

No, unfortunately, that would be cheating!

I sent someone a star earlier, it is Sunday and I can't send them another star. What the dillio is going on?

Stars are processed on Sunday, and will be on a timer at 12pm GMT.

Argh! It doesn't let me open the Give Star window!

Hmm - there was an Internet Explorer (IE) issue, but that's fixed now. If you still can't open it, please allow popups for in your blocker.

Oh noes! The Give Star button is near the Reply button!

That wouldn't matter, for the give star button comes up with a confirm window where you can chose your comments or make your own!

If you have any queries about the Stars system or C3 bot, please ask me.

( Edited on 13.03.2006 12:49 by jb )

( Edited on 13.03.2006 12:50 by jb )

( Edited on 13.03.2006 12:50 by jb )

( Edited on 02.08.2006 14:40 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sounds like a good replacement to the user league! I'm especially liking the fact that the 'table' is reset after every quarter to give new members a chance, yet total stars earned will not be reset Smilie

I guess we'll have to see how this 'members giving stars to other members' works in practice though- hopefully it'll be all nice and fair! Also is there any particular reason why the amount of stars members can give increases by so much from 5,000 to 10,000. I 5K they're already a level 100, right?

( Edited on 11.03.2006 17:02 by fenno2001 )

True - the amount is pretty large, but is a bonus for sticking around for so long. Still, you can't rate the same member more than once each week, so it wouldn't matter too much! I guess for the 5k people, i could bump it to 30.

It should be finished and running by tommorow - as I'm going out tonight, so will wrap up things when I get back. Smilie

( Edited on 11.03.2006 17:07 by jb )

( Edited on 11.03.2006 17:08 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Good opinion

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

ooo this shall be interesting

I guess for the 5k people, i could bump it to 30.


Msenyszak is going to have a lot of Stars to dish out.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

yay four stars Smilie

Will look orward to this being introduced.

And yay, c3bot is returning!

Wooh, loving the little icons! Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Hehe - the stars system is virtually up, just a few tweaks and such to go. You can, however, begin to give stars to people - give it a shot!

I'll finish up the hub etc. For this week only, to avoid people having a load of 0s next to their name, I'll be running c3 bot twice - instead of just on Sunday.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer



Is it really a good idea to be able to give YOURSELF points Smilie

I think it's a cool idea, although it's something I don't think I'll use ve'y often Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

You're a star JB! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


King of the 'League of Kings'||My deviantART|| My Photography

OMG! I will never get a star for everything(or nothing) I do here!Smilie
Crap... Well, maybe I will get taken over by an alien or some other weird dude who will write some good stuff here FOR me?Smilie

Some peoples posts are fucking up (Monkeyman & Flynnie).

EDIT: Seems to be fixed now

( Edited on 12.03.2006 19:21 by grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I've fixed that and the issue allowing people to give themselves stars. It's only other members, and they have to be different members - until the next week begins.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The posts are messed up for me in Safari. The posts go from newest to oldest but the post at the top of the page has the quick reply underneath it. What's going on?

You sure? Would you mind sending me a screenshot please? The posts shouldn't go from newest to oldest - should be oldest to newest.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

...Which reminds me, i miss that little feature in which you culd select wether you wanted to view posts from Newest to Oldest or vice versa. I liked seeing newest first.

Any chance of a return, or has it died in hell?

what if i choose not to dish out any stars for a few weeks and when i can finally be bothered to give some can i still use the old ones that i got in the previous weeks?

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

The Stars I've given haven't shown up, have I missed something important?Smilie

( Edited on 12.03.2006 19:49 by grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The Stars I've given haven't shown up, have I missed something important?

The C3 bot will run at the end of each week (apart from this week, where it will run twice - once on Wednesday).

They will be distributed at the end of the week, in batch, with PMs being sent out to those who have received stars.

what if i choose not to dish out any stars for a few weeks and when i can finally be bothered to give some can i still use the old ones that i got in the previous weeks?

No, it's a set value for each week.

Any chance of a return, or has it died in hell?

Maybe, but not today!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

How come you already have 28 then, is that just a test?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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