Its unlikely Revo games will go up but it is likely that Sony and Microsoft games will.
Sony is the most likely company to raise prices, for a start they'll be using Blu-Ray discs. Not only is this semi-proprietry for the start of the console's life but because its new tech disc production facilities won't be firmly in place yet making the media expensive.
Secondly, the PS3 is an entirely new platform with an entirely new way of making games. Most consoles come with dedicated GPUs seperate to the CPU, whether you worked on the PS2, Xbox or GC you were working along the same principle. According to Sony the Cell chip will be running the graphics with the nVidia GPU there as support. Old tricks won't work here and devs will have to spend time and money figuring out new methods.
Thirdly, if the PS3 is anywhere near as powerful as people are being led to believe then that means game development prices are going to shoot up. You can't make a game that looks better, is more realistic and larger than current games on the same budget with the same tools, same dev teams and within the same time thats allocated to this generation.
Microsoft are in the same boat for most of this except that they'll have a more standard platform to work on, so the it'll be eaier for devs to get to grips with it.
With regards to Microsoft's "Huge" launch catalogue, a lot of these games were probably made under the same conditions as Kameo and PD0. UbiSoft's Ghost Recon 2 has been playable since before last summer. They made the game and drew up plans for a sequel, then realised that this couldn't be achieved on modern hardware. Companies like UbiSoft know more about the industry then we do so its quite likely they had a general gist of what was comming in the next gen before the rumours and leaked specs came out and designed their games accordingl. Character models, physics engines, etc are not entirely platform specific and would've been designed a while ago and then had them upgraded/down-graded and the code ported depending on the dev kits.
The Revo should be little if at all more expensive to produce for. Nintendo have already put a realistic two to three times more powerful tag on it and Shiguru has alreay gone on record saying that architeture wise the Revo won't be far off the Cube. It sounds weird saying this but next generation the Revo will be the only real "upgrade console" as to all extents its a more powerful Cube with some extra features and I'm not saying thats a bad thing.
The Cube will still be using proprietry discs, they'll be 12cm big using DVD tech but they'll only be 6-7GB big and manufactured by Panasonic once again. They'll probably be once again made in specific Panasonic labs to reduce piracy but they should still be able to be made with conventional equipment so its unsure how this will affect the price.
Due to the Revo having the lowest statest power increase and its basing on GC tech it should theoretically be the cheapest and quickest console to design for by a long shot, the new controller interface being the only thing remarkably different from the Cube.
We will more than likely see a price increase in Sony (they charge about $10 dollars more for PSP games over the DS and GBA) and Microsoft but its unlikely we'll see a price increase in Nintendo games.
But thats just from a development point of view, we haven't looked at marketing yet. One company charges
Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ]
As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.