Those of you that thought Rare are being idol should think again....
Checl this out:
Citing unnamed sources, Computer and Video Games is reporting that at E3, Rare will be showing the new Perfect Dark, Kameo: Elements of Power, Conker's Bad Fur Day Online and Sabre Wulf, as well as Ghoulies, which is said to be a remake of their classic title Atic Atac. While this is far from anything resembling a confirmation, the latest Scribes Q&A at Rare's site says, "if anyone believes that a developer the size of Rare would only be working on one game at a time, well... having lost all faith in humanity long ago, I suppose I wouldn't be surprised."
So, looks like we'll be seeing a lot of RARE. Even though I don't like Micro$oft buying them, I still have a special place in my heart for them. It will be nice to see what they've been up to...