WWE Day of Reckoning 2

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wwe kicks ass. i have been watching it every saturday for the past 9 years and i havent got board of it yet.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

Same, i love WWE. I will so get this game when it comes out. Hell Yes!

WWE kicks ass and im gonna buy it and i will own all...im gonna be Y2J CHRIS JERIKO

+ Immediate ban for racial abuse, adult links in profile and spamming the forums.

i want there to be carlito caribien cool cos he's the best.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

IGN has posted a new story on Day Of Reckoning 2.


Sounds good, but doesn't sound like they've added too much. IGN state that they prefer it over the original already, though.

Oh, and ploiper; you'll be able to play as Carlito Caribbean Cool, alright. He's included.

I saw, God damn how good do those graphics look? A shame about no elimination chamber match modes though. I would have really liked that to be increased rather than the amount of polygons used.

Mason wrote:
Oh, and ploiper; you'll be able to play as Carlito Caribbean Cool, alright. He's included.

YEAR Carlito Carlito Carlito. thats cool.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

If you check the videos over at IGn you can see his entrance in DOR 2. It is pretty cool.

carlitos enterance is the best.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

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