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I just cracked my ass off looking a 'Page not found' page.
You've also included the brcaket closure and the word CLICK in the URL, hence it's not working. Delete them from the URL and it should open in WMP, Realplayer, Quicktime etc.
But it takes years to buffer.
[ Edited by Rob
OK, now your just spamming. Whats the point in these topics?
sorry....try just pasting and coping this url
We've seen this 3 times in the last six months...two of which have been in the last month...
really...when? God I obviously wouldn't have shown it if I didn't know you's not like I live on this site...geez calm down...why so angry
It just gets a tad annoying when the same thing has 3 different topics on it. I know it's not really your fault, but maybe check the forums next time? Thanks
*calls mod to lock*
It just gets a tad annoying when the same thing has 3 different topics on it.
Now you know how I feel.
Yeah, but the DS and PSP are a little more conversation-friendly than a 1990 SNES Zelda advert
again, Z is retarded.
Z wrote:
really...when? God I obviously wouldn't have shown it if I didn't know you's not like I live on this site...geez calm down...why so angry
*Places egg on Z's desk*
Yeah, but the DS and PSP are a little more conversation-friendly than a 1990 SNES Zelda advert
There are loads of repeat topics here.
Geez what is wrong with you people....
[ Edited by Z on 2005/4/3 23:54 ]
I don't think thats good advertising.
that video sucks.
edit: also, Z's sig is retarded and this should be in off-topic
[ Edited by theduffman on 2005/4/4 0:02 ]
it is about a zelda which happens to be a game
Guys, chill out - he didn't know that the Zelda Video was posted. No need to attack!!
Topic Locked.
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