Introducing the Apple/Toto partnership, to create the world's first fully iPod intergrated toilet.
[ Edited by MasterStyl on 2005/4/2 14:21 ]
[ Edited by MasterStyl on 2005/4/2 14:22 ]
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Introducing the Apple/Toto partnership, to create the world's first fully iPod intergrated toilet.
[ Edited by MasterStyl on 2005/4/2 14:21 ]
[ Edited by MasterStyl on 2005/4/2 14:22 ]
Heh heh, actually works! Seriously try it!
An April fools prank, quite an amusing one.
That is quite possibly the coolest potty I have ever seen
GC2 wrote:
I didn't fall for it. I just said it was making fun of the iDog. :>
I don't think anyone WOULD fall for it, It's not a realistic idea for a product.
And, I don't know what the iDog is, I do know that it's actually making fun of the iPOD. You may already have known this and said iDog as a sarcastic remark. If that's the case, then I look like a moron
Wpuldn't mind getting myself one of them
music while pooping...mmmm
^^^Wow! You've really mastered the art on how NOT to get banned, havn't you?
( Yay! i am now an octorock! )
[ Edited by yoshi1075 on 2005/4/3 21:14 ]
I swear that guy isn't me by the way, though he did send me a PM telling me that we'd 'mastered the penis'. Me thinks it's an alternate account.
That loo is rockin'!
Thief101 wrote:
^^^Wow! You've really mastered the art on how NOT to get banned, havn't you?
The toilet looks great
how do you get one?
I swear that guy isn't me by the way, though he did send me a PM telling me that we'd 'mastered the penis'.yes we have
[ Edited by newb on 2005/4/5 1:19 ]
you are SO banned!
GC2 wrote:
I didn't fall for it. I just said it was making fun of the iDog. :>
You didn't? How is that possible? Look how convincing it is! Then again I am extremely gullible...
The hell?
A topic about a toilet seat dock for your I-Pod witch turns out to be a prank, and an alternate spam account who says he's mastered the penis?
Can guys get multiples now or something?
RE4 is nothing compared to the scary stuff on the 'net.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
On the topic of multiples, I've seen worse stuff on the Discovery Channel.
Can guys get multiples now or something?
Guys can always get multiples. Its just a bit more difficult.
[ Edited by msenyszak on 2005/4/5 1:30 ]