that movie isnt realy all that scary though
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead
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that movie isnt realy all that scary though
28 days later was good but the ending left much to be desired.
it was a dissapointing ending to what was a very good movie
The texas chainsaw massacre.
...worst film...EVER
not really all that fond of horror films, but my fave is probably 28 days Later or Cannibal Fearox.
i'm sorry. I meant the blair witch project.
From what I can gather, he turned it down. He's happy to be involved in some way, but felt he was too old to reprise the role of Ash.
I guess it's the first Evil Dead they're remaking; when the 'Ash' character hadn't really been developed - in which case, perhaps they'll get away with it...
Thats a real shame, I dunno whats worse, not having an "Ash" or having an "Ash" with someone else in the place of Bruce.
Im gonna be honest here when I say it was his character his attitudes and actions that made the series really worthwhile. Having it without him just wont be the same, and having it with a tottaly revamped character in place of the tradional Ash will suck.
I like the original, Japanese Ring(u).
ΩRedkingΩ wrote:
Thats a real shame, I dunno whats worse, not having an "Ash" or having an "Ash" with someone else in the place of Bruce.Im gonna be honest here when I say it was his character his attitudes and actions that made the series really worthwhile. Having it without him just wont be the same, and having it with a tottaly revamped character in place of the tradional Ash will suck.
I dunno, could be a good way to reinvent the series. I think the role of Ash is mainly due to how Bruce spun it, someone could do a decent job. They just need to cast it to someone who can do that. You never know, could be shelved.
I also enjoyed 28 Days Later, but I found the ending to be totally stupid really, and some of the acting was a little stupid at times, but it was genuinely quite scary at times, which can't be said for many contemporary horrors. I quite liked The Ringu (Japanese version, NOT the American tripe) and Silence of the Lambs of course.
I've heard that the shining is creepy.
Has anybody seen it?
linkman26 wrote:
I've heard that the shining is creepy.Has anybody seen it?
Yeah I have. Good storyline, and I suppose its a bit creepy. If your looking for a good scrae though I wouldn't reccomend.
i think the first scream movie is quite scary esspesialy the opening part to it. that kept me up all night first time i saw it
The Shining is really creepy. Classic film, Jack Nicholson is really good in it.
EDIT: Spelling and punctuation.
[ Edited by Mason on 2005/3/29 8:29 ]
has anyone else seen killer shrews? that is in my opinion one of the best black and white horror movies i have seen
Cabin Fever, The Shinning, Cujo...not scary...very gross...not alowed to own...very sad.