my sonic fanfiction, plus taster.

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This is my first promo for my sonic fanfiction (well here anyway). you can find all my completed ones here, and a summary of all my fancharacters here. I'll show you my current SA2 write up in the next post.

Sonic adventure 2: A shadow's memory

By Master hunter


Power, mankind has craved power since he was born. Power allows you to control, to master, but it can also corrupt if your heart is not pure. I was a victim of corrupt power 50 years ago. I died from a gunshot to protect someone in power, despite not being any real threat to him, or her. My only joy is that I saved my best friends life, I saved him from facing the same fate I did.

But that was not it for this corruption, far from it. You see because of my death the ones who loved me went insane trying to avenge me. My grandfather, plotting the Earth's destruction to avenge my wasted death, and ended up being executed for it.

Who am I? I am Maria Robotnik, a scientist like all my family, who was killed to guard a terrible secret. A secret that could ruin the government, a secret that had to be covered up.

None of this mattered until today, when my cousin Ivo stumbles across something, something that probably would've been better off forgotten….

Chapter 1 - Roll out and attack (to free the top secret weapon)

Roll up and shine

Deep into that darkness peering, long he stands there wondering, fearing, doubting. Wondering what his next master plan will be, and whether or not he can stop them. Fearing the blue one that foils all his plans, scrap brain, death egg, and chaos.

Doubting himself as an evil genius, doubting himself as a scientist. I never wanted this for my cousin Ivo, but he idolised our grandfather, the madness that consumed his heart created the most diabolic plots and Ivo liked it.

He too has succumbed to the corruption of power, but in a different way. His ambition is to take over the world, and it's the ambition that has corrupted him. Thank god there are those that stand up to him.

He is no longer the cousin I knew as a child, he is no longer Ivo Robotnik. He is Dr. Eggman, and he is determined to fulfil his goals. He frantically searches his hidden base for inspiration,

"Come on there must be something here", Said Ivo. He pulls away sheets of paper to discover a floppy disk, "What is this? This disk doesn't seem like one of mine". He slides it into his computer and examines the files. He has found his inspiration as he learns of project shadow, the ultimate lifeform, the military's top secret weapon. With that in his hands death and destruction won't be far behind. He readies the Eggwalker and heads towards Prison Island, and to the top secret research facility, mumbling, "To fill the world with destruction, release him to the world"

There are many that fight for the greater good and there are those who fight for the dark forces of corruption. Then there are those who chose not to fight, and ignore everything that's happening around them. Big the cat is one such fellow. A giant purple cat that loves fishing sits beside the banks of the forest surrounding the military research facility. Accompanied with his best friend a small frog called Froggy, he casts his line to catch some fish, unaware of what was to come.

Suddenly from the bushes Eggman appeared charging forward in his mechanical walker, which is basically just a cockpit with two giant legs and a laser cannon. He shot down all the two robotic guards and headed for the main entrance. Big ignored this as it had nothing to do with him, he turned to the lake and cast his line. Unfortunately fate has other intentions as the lure snagged onto Eggman's walker.

"My prize rod!" shouted Big. Clinging tightly to it, barring froggy it was his favourite thing in the whole world. He stood his ground but even his supreme weight wasn't enough to hold back the power of the Eggwalker. Eggman barely noticed this, as he was busy concentrating on penetrating the military's defences.

GUN's, the name of the army, robots fell one my one as Eggman's laser torn through their tough metal. The sirens were blasting out at decibels that would but an airport to shame.

"Intruder alert, Intruder alert. Lock all security doors and capture the suspect", Said the computerised system. The gun and laser fire, the vast number of explosions, the loud sirens, it was like a war zone. Eggman has entered the facility dragging big with him. One by one the doors locked down behind him, one of them managed to cut the line freeing Big. Big banged into the locked door headfirst.

Meanwhile Eggman has escaped the last door and fired his gun destroying the last of the entrance guards.

"That it?" asked Eggman, "ho ho! Now to find what my grandfather had been working on, a top secret weapon. The military shut down his research because they feared "

Action stage: Iron Gate

One by one the robotic guards blew up as a result of Eggman's laser. The security doors blown off in a matter of seconds. GUN couldn't stop him.

Meanwhile Big the cat found himself between a rock and a hard place, or is that two hard places?

"How do I get out of here?" said Big. He noticed a vent to the side, "oh no. I guess that's the only way out". He struggled to fit through the vent hole but eventually made it inside. The space was tight considering Big's, erm, big frame. Squeezing through the ventilation he managed to get quite far. Suddenly though a nearby GUN beetle exploded by the ventilation shaft. Combined with Big's weight the vent shaft fell and big fell out. He just managed to hold on to a wall, he looked down into the darkness and screamed. Another beetle exploded and Big lost his grip. As he fell all he could hear was explosions.

"Whoa! This has turned into a war zone. What's going on?" asked Big. He smashed to the ground screaming the rest of the way down. Big was out cold.

Eggman eventually found himself at the last security door. He used his computer to break the code and entered his grandfather's secret base. It was huge, but all that was in it was a computer and a large hole. He walked over to the computer and pulled out a chaos emerald.

The chaos emeralds are mystical gems filled with an unlimited supply of chaos energy. No one really knows where they came from but many say when all seven are collected miracles happen. Eggman had the Grey emerald; the rest follow the primary and secondary colours of light.

"Enter password? Oh, password is MA-RI-A, Maria", Said Eggman typing my name in the computer. There was a strange sound coming from the hole. Eggman proceeded to investigate. The central object rose and a black hedgehog appeared from the shadows.

"NO! It's can't be. Is that you Sonic? Are you here to spoil my plans again?" Eggman asked angrily. Then he took a closer look, "Wait a minute you're not Sonic, this is impossible"

"My name is Shadow, I'm the world's ultimate lifeform. Since you were so kind to release me, my master, I will grant you a wish", Said the hedgehog, "but first you must tell me your name"

"My name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the greatest scientific genius in the world", replied Eggman

"Robotnik? Ah you must be my creator's descendant", said Shadow. Suddenly there was a loud sound. A huge Machine filled the area.

"Now what?" asked Eggman

"Great, a chance to show of my power", Said Shadow, "This won't take long". Shadow ran towards the machine.

"No! How did you escape? It doesn't matter, this hot shot machine is unbeatable", said a voice inside the machine.

Boss: hot shot

It didn't take long before Shadow destroyed the hot shot.

"Pathetic humans!" said Shadow. Eggman looked on in amazement as Shadow walked back. Shadow picked up the Chaos Emerald.

"Destroying the guard robot was spectacular. So Shadow YOU are the military's top secret weapon, but what did you mean when you said you’d grant me a wish?" asked Eggman. There was a short pause

"Bring more chaos emeralds" replied Shadow

"But…" interrupted Eggman

"I'll be waiting for you, in the central control room, on the space colony ARK", Shadow continued.

"ARK!" shouted Eggman. Shadow grabbed the Emerald and disappeared in a green flash.

"What the? Bring more chaos emeralds? Ark? And how did he do that?" asked Eggman, "I best get back to the base to look for more emeralds". And with that Eggman left, with many questions left unanswered.

Chapter 2 - the Guardian and the thief.

The Bartender and the thief

Unknown to him exactly what his purpose is, the dreadlocked Red echidna Knuckles rests beside the Emerald he has been destined to guard. The last of his kind, and so alone. He feels his destiny as a guardian goes hand in hand with his lone wolf nature. He thoughts and feelings are dominated by the need to protect the master Emerald, as only the Master Emerald can stop the seven chaos emeralds power. With the enormous power of the seven chaos, the possibility of people with Dark hearts using its power is high. The master Emerald is its fail-safe and so must be protected.

As an extra incentive the island it normally resides in floats due to the Master Emerald's power. For years the island was considered a myth due to the altitude is got to. The Ancient people thought it could be Heaven and so full of Angels, hence why it was named Angel Island. However when Dr. Eggman's Death egg crashed into the island and it fell into the ocean, the people soon discovered it including a certain blue hedgehog and his two tailed fox partner.

It was a beautiful sunny day, but not everything was as it seemed. Lurking in the shadows was a creature consumed with greed, a greed for Jewels. And the Master Emerald was some Jewel. The creature came out of the shadows to reveal a female bat. Her name was Rouge the bat, well known for her skills as a spy and a treasure and bounty hunter. Her abilities as a spy proved useful in sneaking up to the Master Emerald and stealing it without Knuckles knowing.

As she made her getaway Knuckles awoke, shocked to see his Emerald in the hands of some lowlife thief.

"Stop right there! I am the guardian of the Master Emerald, which you currently hold. You couldn't comprehend the importance of that Emerald. Bring it back before I'm forced to take action against you thief", Said Knuckles

"Ha! Bring it on Red. I defeated tougher opponents than you", Said Rouge.

"Don't be fooled I'm tougher than I look", said Knuckles smiling. It was then that the Island started to shake.

"Whoa! What's going on?" Asked Rouge

"The Island is about to fall, that Emerald keeps it afloat. You have to return it, NOW!" shouted Knuckles

"Cool, a shortcut to the ground. Well if you want the Emerald you'll have to take it from me. All the worlds gems belong to me", Said Rouge

"Why you no good…" Said Knuckles. Rouge flew off to the edge of the Island, Knuckles got up and followed her.

Meanwhile Big the cat woke up to find himself on the edge of the desert. Right on the bay off the ocean.

"Oh my head! The desert? I must've drifted across the ocean from Prison Island. Well at least that's over, lets go home Froggy", Said Big. After a while Big noticed that the little frog hadn't jumped onto his shoulder as he usually does when Big calls.

"Froggy?" asked Big. He looked around and saw nothing, "FROGGY? WHERE ARE YOU?"

Suddenly there was a loud crash. Big looked in that direction and saw Angel Island crashing into the land. Within seconds two mysterious figures flew past him at high speeds. Big decided to follow.

In the sky rouge looked back to see if Knuckles was still following. Knuckles was gone,

"Ha lost him! How pathetic" Said Rouge. Suddenly Knuckles flew up from under her and knocked her down to the ground. The Master Emerald dropped out of her hands and onto the ground. Knuckles landed and Rouge got up.

"That was a cheap shot", Said Rouge

"You careless fool, you let Angel Island just crash into the land. Just be thankful it landed over empty space, rather than a big city"

"Just let it go you don't know when to give up, do you?" Said Rouge

"What are you talking about that Emerald's mine", Said Knuckles, "The Master Emerald contains special powers that neutralise the chaos emeralds, that makes it very powerful", Said Knuckles. Just then Dr. Eggman appeared and stole the Master Emerald.

"What the?" said Knuckles

"Thief!" exclaimed Rouge

"Huh! Look who's calling who a thief!" Said Knuckles.

"I came here following the signal from the Emerald, if I'm not mistaken this is the master emerald is it not", Said Eggman

"It's you Dr. Eggman", Said Knuckles.

"So that's Dr. Eggman", Said Rouge.

"This may prove useful, I'll just take it with me. Farewell Knucklehead", Said Eggman.

"Not if I can help it", Said Knuckles jumping fist first. His fist flew through the emerald and shattered it, scattering shards across the land.

"ARRGH! What have you done? And look what you did to MY emerald", Said Rouge.

"I did that to prevent it getting stolen you idiot. If it's in pieces I can restore it, and by the way that's not YOUR emerald", Said Knuckles

"Doesn't matter, I look into it once I get back to the base", Said Dr. Eggman heading towards the pyramid in the background.

"Ugh! I despise anyone who takes jewels from me. All the worlds gems belong to me", Said Rouge

"We'll just see about that, batgirl", Said Knuckles. And the two split up, searching for the Emerald shards. Knuckles head towards the nearby canyon, rouge headed towards the Lagoon.

Action stages: Dry lagoon and Wild canyon

"My feet are on fire! The Emeralds must be close", Said Knuckles. He jumped into the wind tunnel and looked around. To his surprise there were GUN robots patrolling the area.

"The military? What are they doing

edit: Damn, don't tell me you don't allow HTML in posts. anyway if your a stereophonics fan (like me) or not, you may have noticed that all the chapter titles are named after the songs in performance and cocktails. here are the names for the other chapters

Chapter 3 - Hurry up and hide

Hurry up and wait

Chapter 4 - Pick a fight that’s new

Pick a part that's new

Chapter 5 - Just looking to escape

Just looking

Chapter 6 - Half of the moon is gone

Half of the lies you tell ain't true

Chapter 7 - I wouldn't believe Eggman's threat

I wouldn't believe your radio

Chapter 8 - Desert suntan

T-shirt Suntan

Chapter 9 - Is the cannon going to fire today?

Is yesterday, tomorrow, today?

Chapter 10 - A Minute Death

A minute longer

Chapter 11 - She takes her hands off (the computer)

She takes her clothes off

Chapter 12 - Plastic cannon

Plastic California

Chapter 13 - I stopped to prove I'm the ultimate

I stopped the fill my car up

Chapter 14 - Performance to save the world

Performance and cocktails


[ Edited by Masterhunter on 2003/3/27 22:35 ]

[ Edited by Masterhunter on 2003/3/27 22:39 ]

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