New GAMEBOY this year?

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I read a report that a gew analysts think that the GBE will launch this year! My personnal hope is that it is just speculation as last month I just unloaded 150$ to buy a DS!! Check it out here....

It would be suicide, no matter how much Nintendo like to say the DS "isn't a gameboy".

yeah sounds like bullshit to me

I got a link to another site today - I'm not sure. Not going to report it as it seems like tripe to me; though a rumour is a rumour. But why release a 2nd handheld in the same year, it would be bananas!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Glad im not the only who thinks it would be crazy. I think it will probably come LATE next year.

[ Edited by jacob4000 on 2005/2/28 19:34 ]

But if a new Gameboy doesn't launch by the end of 2005 an updated DS almost certainly will.

Guest 28.02.2005#7

Surely that would piss people off, as it is likely that there will be no software being developed for the DS anymore.
It would piss me off.

But if a new Gameboy doesn't launch by the end of 2005 an updated DS almost certainly will.

why would ninty release an updated version of the DS so soon?

[ Edited by linkman26 on 2005/2/28 11:39 ]

Guest 28.02.2005#9

Nevermind, this was in response to Linkman26 before he edited his message. Smilie

[ Edited by Bartholomeus on 2005/2/28 20:53 ]

A new DS would be fine just as long as its just a cosmetic update

Because they did with the Gameboy. Think how many different version there were.

I might just not get a DS amd hold out for the proper new Gameboy, depending on when it comes out.

I feel they need to take the DS further. Nintendo say time and time again that they want to revolutionise the way you play games - unless the next Gameboy is anything substantially different: apart from a snazzy new graphics chip and control means, then I feel that it's not the way to go, not yet anyway.

Essentially the DS isn't the new GBA in my eyes, I feel that the Gameboy has to lie low for a while. What it is, I feel ties in with what Nintendo continuously say: "It's our new handheld".

The Gameboy is a generic handheld gaming device, I feel the DS is something different, although the two do share their similarities. If a GB is released it'll be a standard gaming machine that has aesthetic and perhaps a few different means of playing. 2005? I certainly hope not; it'll be worse than Microsoft's infestation of Xbox 2 so soon!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

But if a new Gameboy doesn't launch by the end of 2005 an updated DS almost certainly will.

That's a little off saying it'll only take a year!

DSSP - not going to happen for maybe 2 years at the very least, if ever.

GBE - I'd guess Q4 2006. Certainly not 2005 though - well unless the Revoltion somehow requires it, but I seriously doubt that.

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Suicide. The backlash from the existing fanbase would be astronomical.

Even if Nintendo like to think they can support three major consoles all at the same time, they can't. Just look at the line up for the Advance over the next year, and you've got your proof.

The DS has barely scratched the surface, releasing the next Game Boy at this point wouldn't do them any real favors.

I'm actualy looking forward to Nintendo cramming as much processing power as they can to the next Game Boy, but now is simply not the time.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

GBE - I'd guess Q4 2006. Certainly not 2005 though - well unless the Revoltion somehow requires it, but I seriously doubt that.

It'd seem too much like trying to force you to buy two sytems, one of which you don't want. Hang on it would be trying to force you to buy two systems, one of which you don't want...

Yeah Nintendo would only hurt themselves. Beside the SP is still selling very well. Ninty has no reason to bring something new in...

I'm actualy looking forward to Nintendo cramming as much processing power as they can to the next Game Boy, but now is simply not the time.

Agreed. I think I almost want a PSP (but done well) from the new Game Boy- it's my most anticipated console- EVER! But I think Nintendo shouldn't even think of releasing a new Game Boy until at least late 2006, if not Q1 or 2 in 2007!


It'd seem too much like trying to force you to buy two sytems, one of which you don't want. Hang on it would be trying to force you to buy two systems, one of which you don't want..

Exactly, though I'd want it Smilie

Nintendo wouldn't do that - at worst a connectivity type thing where certain features would be there if you chose. Now I do want that Smilie

[ Edited by Kowalski on 2005/2/28 20:05 ]

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

if anyone gets stuff about nintendo wrong the most, its analysts... i'd ignore it... they've been predicting nintendo will die for about a decade now..

Good Point. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

If they release a new Game Boy in the next couple of years, they're commiting company suicide. Let the DS ride high for a while...

It probably depends how the DS does in the long run. If the DS keeps going strong then why kill off a money maker, and as for the GBA dieing, hello Pokemon Emerald? Going on how remakes of Red and Blue sold, this should do even better, so the GBA ain't over yet man.

Bear in mind that although there have been *counts* 5 gameboys, this has been over a period of about 16 years!!

See no Wiivil
Hear no Wiivil
Speak no Wiivil

If you want to read the paper where the analyst predicts the new GB, it is right here.

Click for the PDF in the original article said they had to take it down. However, it still resides at that address as of this post.

Bottom line is that it is only speculation. They give no hard evidence.

Good! I'd rather get a GBEvo then a DS or a PSP.

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