The hero this city deserves? Maybe. The hero it needs? Debatable. The hero it wants? Eh… - By Justin Prinsloo
Wield the Monado once again in this beautifully remastered version of the Wii and 3DS classic. - By Justin Prinsloo
More Star Wars content to get you through quarantine. - By Justin Prinsloo
There's no such thing as too much of The Witcher. - By Justin Prinsloo
This old dog has a few new tricks. - By Justin Prinsloo
An anime-style musou with a passion for fashion. - By Justin Prinsloo
Infinity Ward aims high with this ambitious reboot of its famed series. - By Justin Prinsloo
You can't kill the metal. The metal will live on. - By Justin Prinsloo
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; good game design is not. - By Justin Prinsloo
Dying isn't the worst fate to befall you 'round these parts. - By Justin Prinsloo