| A Boy and His Blob | Majesco | 9 |  |
 | ABBA: You Can Dance | Ubisoft | 8 |  |
 | ACA NeoGeo: Metal Slug 3 | Hamster | 8 |  |
 | Actionloop | Nintendo | 8 |  |
 | Actionloop Twist | Nintendo | 7 |  |
 | Advance Wars: Dual Strike | Nintendo | 9 |  |
 | Adventure Time: Secret of the Nameless Kingdom | Little Orbit | 7 |  |
 | Again | Tecmo | 7 |  |
 | Agatha Christie The ABC Murders | The Adventure Company | 7 |  |
 | Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None | The Adventure Company | 8 |  |
 | AiRace | QubicGames | 8 |  |
 | AiRace: Tunnel | QubicGames | 8 |  |
 | Alan Hansen's Sports Challenge | Oxygen | 2 |  |
 | Alien Hominid | Zoo Digital | 9 |  |
 | All the Delicate Duplicates | Mez Breeze Design | 3 |  |
 | AlphaBounce | Mad Monkey | 9 |  |
 | Animal Crossing | Nintendo | 9 |  |
 | Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt | Ignition | 5 |  |
 | Ankh DS: Curse of the Scarab King | XIDER | 6 |  |
 | Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories | Nintendo | 9 |  |
 | Another Code: Two Memories (Trace Memory) | Nintendo | 9 |  |
 | Antipole | Saturnine | 8 |  |
 | Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney | Capcom | 8 |  |
 | AR Games: AR Shot | Nintendo | 8 |  |
 | AR Games: Fishing | Nintendo | 3 |  |
 | AR Games: Shooting | Nintendo | 7 |  |
 | AR-K: The Great Escape | Gato Salvaje | 3 |  |
 | Around the World in 80 Days | Avanquest | 7 |  |
 | Art Academy: Learn Painting and Drawing Techniques with Step-by-Step Training | Nintendo | 9 |  |
 | Art of Balance | Shin'en | 9 |  |
 | Art Style: Aquite | Nintendo | 8 |  |
 | Art Style: Code (Decode) | Nintendo | 9 |  |
 | Art Style: Intersect (DigiDrive) | Nintendo | 9 |  |
 | Asphalt 3D | Ubisoft | 4 |  |
 | Astro Boy: Omega Factor | THQ | 9 |  |
 | Azada | Licensed 4U | 7 |  |