In the words of not-yet-metrosexual Leon Kennedy: "It's up to us to take on Umbrella!" - By Athanasios
War has waged on for years. Humanity prepares for its final stand against the Locust and Lambent forces. C3 reviews Gears of War 3 on 360. - By Josh Di Falco
A solid game that builds on the successes of its predecessor to create an engaging tactics RPG. - By Brandon (Michael) Howard
As soon as FFX-2 dropped in Europe, Japan received an updated International version. Time to look back at this PS2 enhancement of Yuna's second quest. - By Drew Hurley
Revisit the second generation of Pokémon, in all its original glory, on the Nintendo eShop for the 3DS with Pokémon Silver. - By Tomas Barry
What is love? Terra looks for an answer to this question in one of the most praised titles in the Final Fantasy series. - By Leo Epema
The entry level journey that still holds up to the test of time. - By Coller Entragian
The Warriors of Dawn sealed Exdeath away. Now, it's time to finish the job. - By Gabriel Jones
This flawed must-play sees dark knight Cecil fighting to protect Earth…after he's levelled up through a bit of grinding. - By Leo Epema
Square's second attempt at a sequel is more traditional, but is it a welcome return to form or simply derivative? - By Renan Fontes
Has time been kind to Final Fantasy's black sheep? Cubed3 takes a look back on the franchise's first sequel. - By Renan Fontes
After Duke and Noctis, Fox has finally left development hell... only for him to crash and burn. - By Coller Entragian
Join Cubed3 as we travel back to a time when we hunted for treasure, shot some bad guys, and visited some tombs that needed to be cleaned - desperately. - By Thom Compton
Enter the world of Wizards & Warriors, where a mighty knight by the name of Kuros prefers jumping over swordplay. - By Athanasios
Remember how lifeless those graphics were? Wow, it's like watching a real bandicoot! Okay, so maybe not, but still, it's a classic. Does Crash 2 hold up? - By Thom Compton
The second generation of the critter collecting series, Pokémon Gold Version, makes for a flawed but enjoyable revisit. - By Lex Firth
An ode to Oddworld, and an epic, mystical adventure full of lethal dangers… and harmless farts. - By Athanasios
A look back at Nintendo's F-ast and F-urious racer, the SNES cult classic F-Zero. - By Athanasios
Does Rayman's first minigame collection still hold up eleven years on? - By Lex Firth
Sometimes it feels like the world is out to get you. - By Gabriel Jones
A retrospective look at the second outing for Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad, in their war against the Locust. - By Josh Di Falco
The legendary strategy RPG that is fit for a king. - By Coller Entragian
We'll send one pawn to the local game store with plenty of cash, and the other to Cubed3 to verify what we should spend it on. Oh, what's this? - By Thom Compton
Cruis'n has made its long awaited return to the arcades…with Cruis'n Blast. - By Neil Flynn
Twenty years later, Cubed3 revisits this classic scrolling shooter. Does it pass the test of time? - By Carrick Puckett