Use your Chosen One powers, to save the universe from destruction! - By Nayu
Unveil the pretty girls as Qix as possible! - By Athanasios
Solitaire, with the left side of the screen more pleasing to the eye. - By Athanasios
In a boost for hopes of a Ninja Gaiden 4, Ryu Hayabusa's 3D trilogy returns. - By Az Elias
The most content-packed edition of Tekken 7 is the best point of entry for fans yet to hit the arena. - By Az Elias
Enjoy being an amnesiac hero, rebuilding the world after it is saved. - By Nayu
Prepare yourself to save two souls, and ultimately the world. - By Nayu
Seek freedom from a cursed life, battling your inner dragon. - By Nayu
A Rogue-like CCG that is actually pretty good, just too early to be released. - By Eric Ace
A simplistic tactical title that has τηε trappings of a collectible card game. - By Eric Ace
Run, jump, and dash through this colourful world! - By Steven Mattern
Strangeland warps the point-and-click adventure genre into its own brand of horror. - By Renan Fontes
Save me Mr Tako is a deceptive platformer that's more than just a callback to the Game Boy. - By Renan Fontes
Medieval mayhem returns in the sequel to a PC classic! - By Steven Mattern
Set free, and help island bear spirits be happy in their afterlife! - By Nayu
A bold new game in the veteran anime-style fighting series, has taken the reins! - By Steven Mattern
A high dive in going through the motions or a legend reborn? - By Drew Hurley
Ridley Scott's Alien meets the Nintendo Entertainment System. - By Athanasios
A more light-hearted game in the EDF series that hits the basics. - By Eric Ace
A tower defence that uses cryptocurrencies as towers to fight hackers and bugs - By Eric Ace