Picross S+ (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Lilly Kirchner 21.07.2024

Review for Picross S+ on Nintendo Switch

Jupiter, the studio behind the Picross S series, has been in the game for a long time - in fact, it has been developing picture cross puzzle games since the times of Super NES and Game Boy. As such, one could argue that this studio has become an expert at creating Picross titles by now. However, no matter how much the new titles are enjoyed, there is something to be said about going back to older titles, as well. Perhaps this is why Jupiter decided to release Picross S+, which allows Nintendo Switch owners to return to Picross e titles, previously available on 3DS only.

For anyone that isn't familiar with the Picross series, it consists of number grid puzzles, that, when solved, result in a picture. It is a relaxing and yet challenging past-time and requires players to use logical thinking and patience.
Picross S+ allows players to go back to puzzles previously released under the Picross e series on 3DS, but there is more to this.

The titles have been completely converted to mirror the look and controls of the Picross S series on Nintendo Switch. This is great since Jupiter put a lot of thought into the design of controls for these games over time, to a point where they, and therefore Picross S+, are now a joy to play and controls can be customised, as well. Apart from button controls, touch screen controls are available, feeling like a throwback to the 3DS titles.

Since this title is adapted into the Picross S style, the usual support options are also available. This includes Hint Roulette, an option to check for mistakes, and the possibilities for showing correct or incorrect rows. Generally, there are a lot of options that allow a surprisingly personalised gaming experience, which is amazing. For example, the volume of background music can be changed, as well as the speed of the cursor.

Screenshot for Picross S+ on Nintendo Switch

The base game that can be purchased includes the puzzles from the first game, Picross e, and is essentially the size of a Picross S puzzle game. It includes a total of 300 puzzles. Additional content can be purchased as DLC, which corresponds to Picross e2 to e9. By purchasing DLC, additional bonus Picross puzzles can be unlocked, as well. This is the only way to unlock Color Picross puzzles, unfortunately. That's a bit of a shame since these are great, but on the other hand, the DLC aren't too expensive and each is essentially a whole game in itself again.

Thanks to the tutorials, anyone can jump right in and play. The tutorials are very helpful and aid in having a comfortable learning curve that explains one step at a time while allowing players to still jump straight in. These tutorials can be skipped with the click of button for the more seasoned players, but should they want to revisit them, they are available on demand, as well.

As expected, the puzzles themselves are fun, engaging, and, at times, very challenging! They provide hours of fun, with some relaxing music as an added bonus, and the controls are responsive enough that anyone solving puzzles super quick will not be disappointed!

Screenshot for Picross S+ on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 6 out of 10


Picross S+ is yet another great title that holds up the quality of standard developer Jupiter is known for. It is a bit sad that the base game does not come with any Color Picross puzzles, but overall, these can be unlocked with DLC purchases and even the base game by itself provides hours of fun!









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   


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