Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret Tree of Life (Nintendo DS) Review

By Adam Riley 07.05.2011

Review for Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret Tree of Life on Nintendo DS

2010 was the breakout year for Polish developer and publisher City Interactive, with it rising up from the world of PC adventures to delivering a selection of high quality products on the Nintendo DS. Towards the latter end of the year there was the extremely enjoyable Hidden Object tale, Vampire Moon: Mystery of the Hidden Sun, followed by the thoroughly fleshed out and immensely addictive crime thriller, Crime Lab: Body of Evidence, which included DSi-enabled functionality. Therefore, going back to 2009’s Chronicles of Mystery: Curse of the Ancient Temple proved very disappointing because the leap from that to 2010’s releases was massive, to say the least. Now, though, given the experience gained from previous projects, expectations are high for the sequel, Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret Tree of Life. Cubed3 delves in to see what shenanigans lead character Sylvie Leroux is getting up to this time.

In Chronicles of Mystery: Curse of the Ancient Spirit, young archaeologist Sylvie Leroux had to go on a mission to find a missing professor, avoid death at the hands of a sinister organisation, as well as get to the bottom of a mystery that dated back to the crusades and Knights Hospitaller order. Whilst extremely intriguing throughout, and spanning fifty locations, sadly the whole saga was actually over almost before it began, with everything being too simple to complete and barely any incentive to return upon completion.

For the new outing, Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret Tree of Life, Ms. Leroux’s skilful reputation precedes her and she is asked to head out on a journey to decipher the mystery of the illusive tree of life by joining forces with the enigmatic Count Saint-Germain who has lived for many more years than a mere mortal should. This involves travelling to seventy different locations that intertwine expertly with the tale, and are all littered with numerous styles of puzzles, conundrums, useful items to locate, hidden objects, and various other extras that help to make The Secret Tree of Life comprehensively superior to Curse of the Ancient Temple.

The standard of puzzles has definitely increased immensely, with players having to unearth potential locations of hidden symbols using a special tool before using other collected items to fully reveal them; guide Sylvie through a maze, picking up specifically coloured keys to unlock matching doors; re-arrange pieces of maps and tiles to form the correct image; unravel brain-teasing riddles to find the right route; test your reactions as different coloured balls drop from above; and so on. There is even one particular instance where players are treated to a Flight Control-esque challenge, having to quickly draw (and re-draw) the paths of various bugs running around an arena so that they reach their correct destinations without crashing into each other. The sheer variety on offer is admirable and testament to how City Interactive is becoming an expert at this particular genre.

Screenshot for Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret Tree of Life on Nintendo DS

The beauty of The Secret Tree of Life is that, just as with Crime Lab: Body of Evidence, there are some enhancements when played on a Nintendo DSi, DSi XL or 3DS, with certain tasks that make use of the internal camera functionality. Be it wiping dust off a wall or turning a crank handle, the implementation and execution of such puzzles is highly commended. They may only seem like small additions, but for those DSi, DSi XL, and now 3DS owners, hoping for more than just the region lock-out that companies like Ubisoft have been implementing lately, these supplementary puzzles are a welcomed inclusion. It may make you feel foolish when waving your hand around in front of the camera when on public transport, however.

Additionally, rather than being a stop-start affair, the story progresses in an extremely smooth manner, so despite actually being broken down into separate chapters it does not actually feel that way at all, with a strong level of story-puzzle integration included as well. When a specific scene has reached its climax, players receive a different rating dependant on their performance during that section, such as what penalties have been incurred for tapping three times quickly in the hidden object sections, how many special items have been located, whether or not mini-games have been skipped, and so on. Some of these are negated in the highest difficulty setting, however, since on the hardest setting there are no hints available to use at all, and players cannot skip any of the puzzles if they get stuck. The Secret Tree of Life may not be quite as lengthy as Crime Lab: Body of Evidence, but it definitely puts Curse of the Ancient Temple to shame in terms of longevity, as well as the overall complexity of brain-teasers mixed in. With a host of mini-game challenges, achievements to unlock and Hidden Object puzzles to play around with once the story is complete, players are in for yet another DS treat.

Screenshot for Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret Tree of Life on Nintendo DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

With Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret Tree of Life, City Interactive has delivered a stunning sequel to the best selling Curse of the Ancient Temple, expanding considerably upon the number and quality of puzzles included, the intrigue set by the storyline and the range of extras to keep players entertained once completed. Only the company’s previous release, Crime Lab: Body of Evidence, beats The Secret Tree of Life to the mantel of ‘Best DS Puzzle Adventure.’









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Q1 2011   North America release date Q1 2011   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   


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