World of Tanks: Blitz (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Luke Hemming 25.09.2020

Review for World of Tanks: Blitz  on Nintendo Switch

After 10 years since its initial release, the original World of Tanks has been a massive mobile success, with its easy to understand, pick up and play value. Successful titles need to change with the times, however, and with this comes World of Tanks: Blitz, looking to give Nintendo Switch owners a taste of metal mayhem. Was it worth the wait? Strap in soldier! Time to find out.

For newcomers to the series, this is the perfect jumping off point for quick, harmless fun. With the amount of time developer Wargaming has been adding content over the past ten years, Switch owners can really reap the benefits of having the most full of content release to date. Veterans to the series also have some major incentive to jump on with the inclusion of cross play and account transfer, meaning those ten years of commitment are going to make for easy pickings against green privates.

Advantages go both ways from the experience this reviewer had, due to the control schemes available for Nintendo's rectangle of dreams. A few hours of experiencing the game brought a lot of wins, plus unrivalled destruction due to the use of the Pro Controller in docked mode. Images were conjured of feeble flailing coming from the tablet generation, as they succumbed to precise aiming and a smooth control scheme leading to a flaming heap of scrap on their end. Aiming is simple and set out exactly as you would hope. A quick tap or ZR sends a flaming shell hurtling towards an opponent, and for further enemies ZL enters sniper view for long distance destruction.

Support is also available for the Pro Controller as well as the Joy-Con, and gyroscope aiming can be turned on for a higher accuracy. This quickly became more of a hindrance, however, and as a personal choice was left off at all times. Most of the fun in this stems from the reload times of shells, as you would expect from an authentic tank simulator. The feeling of complete defencelessness after a misaimed attack, alerting your opposition really does add quite a unique strategic element. Do you stand your ground and hope that you are able to shoot first (Solo style), or run for cover and head for a better position? It's this timer that really elevates a simple shooter to something that fans of a genre could really get lost in.

Screenshot for World of Tanks: Blitz  on Nintendo Switch

That however is the real question. Is a tank based simulator something that can really hold itself up on its own premise? Ten years of consistent players and downloads certainly suggests that it can. It's the best available, but how many tank simulators are around to make a decision on trying a different title in the first place? World of Tanks: Blitz takes no chances with the threat of competition, by providing players with a frankly staggering amount of armoury to play with. Between all countries represented (WW2 accurate of course), over 320 tanks can be used once reaching the higher tiers. All are accurate to the age, and detailed enough in terms of aesthetics and performance to satisfy any budding tank spotter. All are fully customisable, and can be upgraded easily using the research abilities as experience and in-game currency is earned.

In the research and development is where the real sticking point begins to rear its ugly head. This is a free-to-play title, after all. What better way to improve revenue that by allowing the dreaded micro-transactions to be included and made prominent in the menus? Of course, progression can be made without any money spent, however the stick and carrot is hard at work here. Premium modes and features are dangled in front of newcomers with timed availability, and new vehicles and customisation is always only a few coins away. Progression was quick at first, with lots of vehicles and upgrades quickly unlocked, but as was expected to really experience all that World of Tanks: Blitz has to offer, its either going to be a quick buck or a long slog.

If unwilling to fund the micro-transaction war, games are short and sweet enough that this will still provide some quick entertainment when looking for a quick and easy thrill. Victory can be attained in the main mode by either destroying all other members of the opposition, or by capturing the flag tactics. 25+ arenas are available to compete in, with a distinct flavour for each. As with a title originally for mobile platforms, they look about as well as is to be expected in 720p undocked, and 1080p otherwise. They do the job of providing adequate cover for battle strategy, and even include an element of destruction with fences and rubble falling under the tracks of whatever behemoth is being piloted. Matches are short, and it is always tempting to jump back in for one more with the short and sweetness of it all.

Screenshot for World of Tanks: Blitz  on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 6 out of 10


At the end of the day, you know exactly what you are going to get from a F2P title like World of Tanks: Blitz. Micro-transactions are never welcome, but a necessary evil in this market, and graphics are of a mobile standard, with everything other than the pretty accurate recreations of the vehicles themselves, and all operate with as much heft and weight as expected. Great if you are a tank enthusiast, but for everyone else moving a sluggish brick around a low textured map can get tiresome quickly. This is countered by the length of matches being short enough that a quick tactical battle can be done while waiting for the kettle to boil, and dived into if something a bit more spectacular is installing. Newcomers are going to enjoy the pick-and-play factor. Stalwarts are going to make the most of cross-save and cross play to add a few more layers and months to their experience. It'll stay on the system, but only likely revisited when frustration kicks in from major titles and taking it out on any poor soul that dared to challenge a Switch owner with a Pro Controller.


Wargaming Group







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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