MouseCraft (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Eric Ace 10.04.2020

Review for MouseCraft on Nintendo Switch

Lemmings was a puzzler that was very popular in the '90s and early '00s, which many younger gamers will likely not really know or remember. It involved positioning obstacles and objects to allow mindless creatures to walk from the beginning of the stage to the end of it. MouseCraft takes obvious inspiration from this, only now using Tetris-style blocks to fill in holes so the mice can run from one end to the other.

MouseCraft is a perfect example of what you see is what you get. With an ominous-looking cat in the background, players must guide a set of mice from the beginning to the end, all while positioning Tetris blocks to act as bridges, pits, or stairs. Ideally, the goal is to not kill the mice along the way. A typical level involves you having to study the best way to try to figure out how to use the limited number of blocks you have to arrange what ultimately amounts to stairs to help the mice autonomously run from the beginning to the end of the level.

Often this involves pits, huge gaps, deadly obstacles, or large walls to climb. For example, mice can only move up a single block at a time, so the player has to arrange blocks so they can climb over obstacles. With a wall of three blocks-high, maybe the best move might be using the 'L' block, rotating it on its side so it now functions as a long staircase. Perhaps a different method might be making a bridge so they never even fall into that pit.

Screenshot for MouseCraft on Nintendo Switch

One thing nice about this is how it is forgiving about trying things. One can let the mice run out at any time or try any block, and any mistake is a single button push away from being reset or rewound. It makes things easy and friendly to try different things for figuring out the puzzles. Ultimately, there is little depth to it all. Sure, there is a variety of traps or blocks that slowly come out as progress is made, but fundamentally, there is little difference between level 1 and the final levels beyond more complex puzzles. There is no story, no unlocks, nothing. Someone popping in on the final levels misses nothing from someone coming all the way from the beginning.

For what it is, this is competent. The issue is what it is - just a very simple title. It is kind of like a new Tetris instalment coming out. Yes, the fundamentals are sound, but there is just nothing there of any depth, and that is why people don't still play base Tetris in huge numbers. This feels like a throwback to the '90s video game scene where the novelty of the genre carried more of the day than any actual gameplay. It is fun for a little bit, but before long you will put it down and never think about it again.

Screenshot for MouseCraft on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


There is nothing surprising here about MouseCraft. What you see is what you get, and unless the simplistic gameplay appeals to you, it is unlikely that there will be much here that the average gamer is interested in. Some of the puzzles are nice and all for a while, but ultimately, there are no true clever ideas or anything beyond just dropping varied blocks into holes and waiting for the mice to hopefully make it.


Crunching Koalas


Crunching Koalas





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   


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